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Where does celery come from?


Celery was initially referred to as “ache ,” a term derived from the Latin apia, which first appeared in the language in the 12th century. It refers to the plant's native environment and meaning “that grows in water.” Originally, it referred to a very broad range of plants (including parsley and lovage), before settling on the more limited definition of “celery.”
“celery,” which first appeared in 1651, is derived from the Lombard seleri, which is derived from the Latin selenon. This name refers to the fact that the plant was thought to be under the influence of the moon (selé), probably in reference to its aphrodisiac effects. Although the name “pain” is still used infrequently in herbalism and botany, the term “celery” has clearly supplanted it in ordinary English.
Celery, which originated in the Mediterranean region, is thought to have been referenced in Homer's Odyssey as early as 800 BC.
It was utilized by the Chinese and Egyptians 500 years before our time.
Celery has been offered as an aromatic for ages in the shape of a bouquet with weak stems.
The plant as we know it now originated in Italy in the 17th century. Selective culture resulted in the development of two varieties: one with exceptionally long and meaty stems (celery), and the other with a huge root and little leafy stalks (celeriac).
Celery has been grown since antiquity. Apium graveolens, sometimes known as celery, is a plant with the Latin name Apium graveolens.
Swamp ache, fragrant ache, stinking pain, swamp parsley, fragrant parsley, stinky parsley, Italian celery are all frequent names for it.
It is farmed, although it also grows wild along the banks of streams and on wetland areas. It reaches a height of 90 to 100 cm.
The entire plant is used as a vegetable and condiment, including the leaves, tuberous root, and stems. It has a lovely scent and is both soft and crispy.
There are several types to choose from:
Celery stalk refers to celery on the side; celeriac refers to turnip celery; celery to chop refers to Chinese celery.
Celery is a biennial plant in the Apiaceae family that grows every two years:
It has white blooms that bloom from August through October.
It has green, delicate leaves. Their flavor is similar to lovage.
The taste of the root is somewhat pungent. It may be consumed raw or cooked (and makes very good gratins).
The fish is flavored with the seeds. They produce a beverage after being infused in brandy.
Celery is claimed to have originated in the Mediterranean basin, more specifically in the salt marshes that border the Mediterranean. Celery was known to the ancient Greeks, according to Homer's Odyssey, which was published 850 years ago. It was later referred to as selenon. Because this name was also given to other plants, it is impossible to say with certainty that the celery referenced by Homer in his works is the same species.
The Chinese employed it in cooking five hundred years before our time. The Egyptians picked both the leaves and stems, as well as the seeds, which were used as a flavoring.
For years, if not millennia, the plant would appear as a cluster with undeveloped and fibrous stalks. Given its strong flavor, it functioned as an aromatic, like parsley. The plant we know today, with its huge, water-soaked ribs, was not selected until the 17th century, most likely in Italy, and it took another century or two for it to spread to the rest of Europe. It is unknown when celery was first brought to North America. All we know is that four types were grown in 1806.
Until recently, celery was blanched routinely by covering it with dirt to induce the growth of less fibrous and longer stems. This procedure is still practiced in Europe, but not in North America, where cultivars with softer stems have been produced.
The seeds have long been prized in Asia, where they are thought to have therapeutic powers. It was used to make “celery salt” in the West. This beloved condiment, however, is now produced with celery root extract.


What does celery contain?

Celery and celery root are two cultivars of the same plant. While both are high in fiber, they differ in terms of vitamin and mineral content. Celery, as opposed to celery root, is a good source of carotenoids (beta-carotene and lutein) and vitamin B9. It does, however, have somewhat less vitamin K, vitamin B6, and phosphorus than celeriac.
Celery, which is composed of 95% water, provides minimal energy components. Protein and fat are available in trace levels, whereas carbs are limited to 3 grams per 100 grams. As a result, it is a very low-calorie vegetable, similar to radish or eggplant.
It contains vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B vitamins, particularly B6, beta-carotene (provitamin A), and a trace of vitamin E.
Celery also contains lutein, a carotenoid that is not pro vitamin A (it does not convert to vitamin A) but does have antioxidant qualities.
Its mineral and trace element-rich water contains various minerals and trace elements, including potassium sodium, but also phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium.
Its fibers are numerous and mostly composed of celluloses and hemicelluloses. They contribute to the tough and crisp texture of the branches.

Name of constituentsUnityAverage content
Dietary fiberg1.5
Saturated FA(fat acid)g0.042
Monounsaturated FAg0.032
Polyunsaturated FAsg0.079
Total ironmg0.2
Beta caroteneµg270
Vitamin Dµg
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol)mg0.27
Vitamin Cmg3.1
Vitamin B1 or Thiaminemg0.021
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavinmg0.057
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacinmg0.47
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acidmg0.246
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxinemg0.074
Vitamin B9 or Total Folateµg36
Vitamin B12 or Cobalaminsµg
Vitamin K µg 29.3

The benefits of celery


In general, the vitamins, antioxidant substances, and fibre found in fruits and vegetables play an important role in health protection. Numerous studies have shown that eating a lot of veggies and fruits can lower your chance of getting cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other disorders.
Celery, like its seeds, is high in vitamins A, B, E, K, and C. Iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, aluminum, manganese, and selenium are minerals.
The seeds contain limonene and selinene, whereas the root contains asparagine. These essential oils enhance the dilatation of renal veins, resulting in the removal of pollutants and extra fluid. Flavonoids contain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, as well as the ability to boost the immune system. They aid in the relief of joint pain.
Silica is a mineral that has a role in the creation of joint and connective tissues.
Nitrates: These are turned into nitrites in the mouth by bacteria, which subsequently interfere with vasodilation and blood thinning. They then boost blood flow to the brain.
“Celery is greener in nature than it is dry, and it contains a lot of juice,” wrote Hidegarde de Bingen. It is said that eating it is not appropriate for man since it causes negative moods in him. Cooked celery is not harmful to people; on the contrary, it promotes positive moods in their bodies.”
It's worth noting that celery is currently the non-organic vegetable with the greatest pesticide residues, accounting for 85 percent of the veggies tested (of which 3.4 percent exceed the maximum residue limits which are the legal thresholds). Europeans should not be outnumbered).
From the early days of pregnancy, vitamin B9, or folic acid, plays an important function in the development of the fetus in pregnant women. It might be particularly useful in preventing problems in neural tube development.
A consistent and consistent intake permits the body to build up reserves in order to prevent insufficiency.
Celery is both fresh and healthful. It has purifying, diuretic, carminative, stomachic, tonic, and stimulating properties. Its high mineral and essential oil concentration stimulates blood circulation.
Consuming fresh or powdered celery, or drinking it as an infusion or juice, aids in the prevention of:
Too much uric acid, which causes rheumatic, arthritis, and gout; too high a cholesterol level; hypertension; menstruation issues; aphonia, loss of voice; digestive disorders and constipation; stress due to its soothing impact
It is an aphrodisiac; it causes a reduction in libido.
cancer: some chemicals are considered to suppress cancer cell growth.
also it can be taken as remedy for rheumatism
Hildegarde of Bingen, a famous medieval naturopath, writer, and singer, already had a plant-based pharmacopoeia. “Whoever suffers from gout so that his mouth twists and contracts (Parkinson's) and his limbs tremble and all of his other limbs become deformed (arthritis), will pulverize the celery seed and add a third of rue and nutmeg in less quantity than rue powder, and less cloves than nutmeg, and less saxifrage (leaves) than cloves,” she writes about celery.
He'll grind it all up into a fine powder and take it on an empty stomach and after meals, and rheumatism will stop bothering him since it's the finest gout treatment. When people with gout ingest this powder, their rheumatism goes away, and they don't feel the terrible side effects.”
As a result, Hildegard's recipe is as follows:
60 g celery seed powder, 20 g rue powder, 15 g nutmeg powder, 10 g clove powder, and 5 g saxifrage powder
Take a spoonful of this mixture and spread it over toast with quince jam, chewing it thoroughly. Urea levels are reduced by quinces and celery seeds. The soreness subsides after a week.

How much to consume?


The National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits and vegetables each day and taking advantage of seasonal variability. From June through November, celery is very delicious.
A serving of vegetable is similar to a handful of celery or 20 to 30 centimeters of celery stalk.
Good to know : Celery can also cause allergic reactions in certain people.
another point to consider:
If you are in direct touch with the celery plant for an extended period of time and then expose yourself to the sun, you may get skin problems that are common among producers.
You can become sunburned if you linger in the sun after eating celery. It is dependent on the amount of celery ingested and the strength of UV light.


Celery's Cancer-Fighting Properties

Polyacetylenes, which are found in celery, have been shown to inhibit the growth of numerous kinds of human cancer cells in vitro. Celery seeds have also been found in animal studies to protect against the production of liver cancer cells. Because this study employed concentrated extracts, it's unclear whether eating celery or the seeds in their natural form will have the same impact. Another study found that lutein from celery eating reduced the risk of colon cancer diagnosed before the age of 67.

Antioxidant power of celery

Celery has substantial levels of polyacetylenes in both the leaves and seeds. These bioactive chemicals were previously thought to be toxic. Certain polyacetylenes, on the other hand, have been proven in tests to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties in addition to blocking cancer cell growth in vitro. Polyacetylenes are also found in fennel. However, as compared to parsley and celery, the quantity of these chemicals in fennel is negligible. The effects of polyacetylenes in humans after ingesting fennel have yet to be shown.
Celery seeds are also thought to contain apigenin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant. Celery is also known to provide a significant dietary source of lutein, a carotenoid antioxidant.

How to choose and prepare celery?


Celery belongs to the apiaceae family, which contains carrot, parsley, dill, coriander, caraway, lovage, and other herbs. Celery and celeriac are both members of the same genus and botanical species (Apium graveolens). They're both prepared from acache, or wild celery, the same food species.
The branches are peeled using a peeler in Europe, but not so much in North America, where the kinds available are frequently less fibrous. When the celery is highly fibrous, though, it is occasionally necessary to “pluck the threads” to remove them.
Celery may be kept in the refrigerator's vegetable drawer for a few days.
Celery, like carrots with their tops, keeps considerably better if the branches are kept apart from the leaves. It may also be frozen after being cooked or blanched for several months.

As a snack, eat it uncooked, sliced into bits. Serve as an appetizer or starter with a dip.
I'm stuffed. Stuff the ribs with things like seafood mousse, chicken salad, vegetarian pâté, guacamole sauce, and so on.
To add crunch and flavor to the chicken salad, chop it up.
Finely sliced in a mixed salad with chickpeas, sliced onion, and pitted black olives, with tomato wedges, hard-boiled eggs, and anchovy fillets for garnish. Drizzle a vinaigrette over top.

IN Soups and stews . Celery, carrots, and leeks are browned in oil. Cook until the veggies are soft, adding chicken or vegetable stock as needed. Blend until smooth, then top with chopped fresh dill. This soup can be served hot or chilled.
Sauces, stews, quiches, and rice meals;
In vegetable boxes; In court-bouillon used for cooking shellfish or fish;
Celery that has been braised. Carrot slices should line the bottom of a pot, and celery stalks should be free of hard and broken branches and cut to 15 cm. Add a few slices of red pepper and cover with chicken stock or veggie broth. Season with salt and pepper, as well as thyme, rosemary, and chives. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a low heat and continue to simmer until the veggies are soft (1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes). In a serving dish, combine all of the ingredients. Pour the broth over the veggies once it has been reduced. With a little lemon juice and coriander seeds, braise it. Serve chilled with chopped coriander leaves on top.
Carrots, tomatoes, or other fruits and vegetables can be added to the juicer branches if desired. Chill before serving.
Served with a sweet and sour sauce Celery stalks should be cut into 2 cm lengths. In a skillet or sauté pan, add a little water. Add the celery, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a low heat and simmer for a few minutes, or until the water has evaporated. Serve with three or four teaspoons of vinegar, Chinese style. Green onions, thinly sliced beef, ginger, garlic, and soy sauce and oyster sauce are sautéed with celery. Cornstarch can be used to thicken the sauce.
Japanese style .Sesame seeds should be dry sautéed and finely crushed with a knife. Cut the celery stalks into 5 cm chunks and fry them in the oil at a high temperature. Cook until the liquid has evaporated, then add a little sake (optional), sugar (or honey), and soy sauce. Serve with sesame seeds on top.
Celery seeds are used to flavor soups by the Russians and Scandinavians. Instead of sesame or poppy seeds, decorate the tops of the buns. Incorporate these into the garam masala in India. Before grinding them, sauté them for a few minutes in a dry condition, like you would other spices, to bring out their flavor. They make a great flavoring for vegetable stews; save the celery leaves for broths, soups, and casseroles since they have a nice taste. Finely chop them and toss them into salads. Please notice that their flavor is stronger than the branches'.

Contraindications and allergies to celery

Celery is another item that has been linked to oral allergy syndrome. This condition is caused by an allergic reaction to proteins found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Some persons who are allergic to environmental pollens, such as birch and mugwort pollen, are affected. Hay fever is usually often the precursor to this disease.
As a result, some persons with ragweed allergies may experience an immunological reaction if they ingest raw celery (cooking normally breaks down the allergenic proteins). Itching and burning sensations are localized to the mouth, lips, and neck in these persons. Symptoms may emerge and then disappear within minutes of consuming or handling the problematic food.
This response is not significant in the absence of additional symptoms, and celery eating should not be avoided routinely. Celery allergy symptoms, on the other hand, might include severe digestive and respiratory manifestations in certain situations. To discover the reason of the responses to plant foods, it is best to see an allergist. The latter will be able to determine whether particular measures are required.

Furanocoumarins are light-reactive compounds. They are naturally present in celery and other plants such as parsnip. Skin contact with these vegetables, together with exposure to light, can occasionally result in phytophotodermatitis, a kind of skin inflammation. Workers in agricultural contexts or food markets, who are frequently in touch with plants containing them, would be particularly vulnerable to this response. Furanocoumarins can also induce responses in tanning salon users.