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Where does Clementine come from?

Clementine was born in Algeria at the turn of the twentieth century. It is the product of crossing a mandarin with an orange tree. It will rapidly establish itself in Europe and North America.
Clémentine would be derived from Father Clément, a priest who served in Algeria at the turn of the twentieth century and may have played a part in the development of this tangerine type.
A clementine is a citrus fruit that is a hybrid of a mandarin and an orange. In the winter, it's nice to have some vitamins and a little sweetness towards the end of our meals or as a snack. Clementine, which is high in antioxidants, can aid in the treatment of some diseases.
Clementine's characteristics
Pectin source; rich in carotenoids; source of vitamin C; source of group B vitamins; immune system stimulator.
Clementine was born in Algeria in 1902 and swiftly spread throughout Europe and North America. The production of this sort of fruit has become quite important in Corsica, which has a particularly ideal environment for it. A citrus research institute in France has also established itself.


What Are The Nutritional and caloric values ​​of Clementine ?

Clementine and mandarin are two very different citrus fruits. These two fruits have comparable nutritional qualities: they both have a high fiber content and contain the same minerals and antioxidant chemicals.
The fruit of the mandarin tree is called mandarin. It has a sweet, somewhat acidic flesh with seeds. It may also be identified by its size, which is similar to that of a little orange, and the fact that its flesh does not stick to the skin.
Clementine is a naturally occurring hybrid between a mandarin and a bitter orange (also called bigarade). It has a delicious flesh with no or few seeds.
Mandarin and clementine, like apricot, melon, and orange, are moderately active fruits with a high water content (more than 85 percent). Their calorie consumption per 100 g is around 53 kcal.
Carbs, like most fresh fruits, offer the majority of this intake: sucrose (about 70% of total carbohydrates), fructose, and glucose.
The fibers are mostly made up of cellulose and hemicellulose and are somewhat plentiful.
These two fruits not only include a lot of vitamin C, but they also have B vitamins and provitamin A.
Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and copper are all minerals and trace elements found in them.
Finally, they include flavonoids and carotenoids, two types of antioxidant chemicals (beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, beta and alpha-carotene).
Nutritional and caloric values ​​of Clementine
For 100 g of Clementine :

Name of constituentsUnityAverage content
Dietary fiberg1.8
Saturated FA(fat acid)g
Monounsaturated FAg
Polyunsaturated FAsg
Total ironmg0.15
Beta caroteneµg155
Vitamin Dµg0
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol)mg0.15
Vitamin Cmg26.7
Vitamin B1 or Thiaminemg0.058
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavinmg0.036
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacinmg0.40933
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acidmg0.216
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxinemg0.078
Vitamin B9 or Total Folateµg16
Vitamin Kµg
Mandarin and clémentine

Why should you eat clémentine ?

A high intake of fruits and vegetables has been proven in several studies to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, some malignancies, and other chronic illnesses. Their high vitamin, mineral, antioxidant chemical, and fiber content would provide great protection.
Citrus fruit consumption has also been associated to the protection of some cancers, including oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer, according to studies.
This little citrus fruit has several advantages.

Prevention of certain cancers

Citrus fruit intake has been associated to the protection of several cancers, including esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, mouth cancer, and pharyngeal cancer, according to several studies. According to one of them, consuming citrus fruits in moderation (i.e., 1 to 4 servings per week) reduces the incidence of malignancies of the digestive tract and upper respiratory system. The research on pancreatic cancer, on the other hand, are still inconclusive.

Cardiovascular disease prevention

Citrus fruit antioxidants (limonoids) have been proven to have anticancer properties in vitro and in animal models. They have the potential to reduce cancer cell growth in the breast, stomach, lungs, mouth, and colon.
Numerous studies have connected the eating of citrus fruits to the prevention of cardiovascular disease in general. Animal studies have demonstrated that drinking orange juice, grapefruit juice, or tangerine juice, or flavonoids isolated from these fruits, lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides while also avoiding atherosclerosis.
Another study on women found that eating mandarins on a regular basis throughout the winter months had a good effect on lipid balance. Mandarin juice (500 mL or 2 cups per day) is thought to decrease lipid and protein oxidation in the blood and increase the antioxidant status of children with hypercholesterolemia.

Anti inflammatory properties

Citrus flavonoids have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory effects in several investigations.
The production and action of mediators implicated in inflammation would be inhibited.
Beta-cryptoxanthin is the major carotenoid pigment in clementine.
Several carotenoids are vitamin A precursors, meaning that the body transforms them to the vitamin as needed.
Furthermore, carotenoids are chemicals that have antioxidant qualities, meaning they may neutralize free radicals in the body.
Consumption of foods high in carotenoids has been related to a reduced risk of developing a variety of illnesses, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Packed with pectins

Citrus fruits, in general, are high in soluble fiber, particularly pectin, which is found mostly in the peel and the white membrane around the flesh (albedo). Soluble fibers, in general, reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease due to their capacity to decrease blood cholesterol. Consuming clementine and tangerine or tangerine on a regular basis is a simple approach to improve total fiber and soluble fiber intake.

Source of potassium and copper

Clementine is high in potassium. Potassium is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses and the contraction of all of your body's muscles.
Copper may be found in clementine. Copper is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin and collagen (a protein involved in the development and repair of tissues) in the body as a component of numerous enzymes. A number of copper-containing enzymes also contribute to the body's defense against free radicals.

Vitamin C source for fighting infections

The vitamin C content of clementines is very high. Vitamin C's purpose in the body extends beyond its antioxidant characteristics; it also helps to maintain the health of bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums. It also defends against infections, improves the absorption of iron from plants, and speeds up the healing process.

Provider of vitamins from the B group (B1, B3, B6, B9)

Vitamin B1 is found in clementines. Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is a coenzyme that is required for the synthesis of energy, mostly from carbohydrates. It also aids in the passage of nerve impulses and encourages optimal development.
Vitamin B6 is found in clementines. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a coenzyme that is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids, as well as the synthesis (production) of neurotransmitters (messengers in nerve impulses). It also increases red blood cell development and allows them to transport more oxygen. Pyridoxine is also required for the conversion of glycogen to glucose and adds to the immune system's normal functioning. Finally, this vitamin aids in the creation of specific nerve cell components as well as hormone receptor regulation.
Vitamin B9 is found in clementines. Folate (vitamin B9) is necessary for the formation of all body cells, including red blood cells. This vitamin is necessary for the creation of genetic material (DNA, RNA), the proper functioning of the neurological and immunological systems, as well as wound and wound healing. Consumption is critical throughout periods of growth and development of the fetus since it is required for the formation of new cells.


How can you select the best clementine and keep it fresh?

Clementine is a little fruit with several advantages, including a low calorie value, antioxidants such as vitamin C to against winter aggressors, and a high, but frequently overlooked, calcium content.
Clementines are tiny, spherical fruits that weigh around 70 grams on average. It has a thin, brilliant orange skin and a delicious, tart flesh that is separated into quarters.
Choose fruits that are whole, solid, weighty, and brightly colored, with no mushy sections that indicate decay.
The clementine has a shorter shelf life than other citrus fruits. 2 weeks in the refrigerator drawer, 1 week at room temperature
The thickness of the bark is what distinguishes the many types. Fines, Oroval, and Nules are the three families of variations.
Unlike its relative, the mandarin, the clementine has a juicier flesh and no seeds.


How to Prepare clementine ?

From October to February, we can obtain mandarin oranges, and from November to February, we can find clementines.
The National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits and vegetables each day, and taking advantage of seasonal variability. One serving of fruit is equal to two mandarins or three clementines.
It is necessary in France and Switzerland to state on the label if citrus fruits were treated against mold after harvest.
When citrus fruits are at room temperature, they are more juicier. As a result, it's better to take them out of the fridge a few hours before eating them.
Mandarins, clementines, and tangerines are mostly eaten raw or in fruit salads, gelatins, puddings, and cakes. The tiniest are canned; they make a great addition to veggie salads.
Clementine juice may be used in place of lemon juice in any recipe that calls for it: cold drinks, vinaigrette, sauces, deglazing, and so on. Make ice cream, sorbets, and granita with them.
Clementine slices can be added to bread, pancake, or cake dough.
Serve clementine quarters in syrup with ice cream for a light and refreshing dessert, as is done in Japan.
Dip them in a chocolate fondue for a less somber dessert.
Salads, cakes and other pastries, custards and creams, Indian rice, mashed potatoes, and spaghetti benefit from the bark's taste when grated or chopped into strips.


Clementine contraindications and allergies

Antacid medicines and citrus fruits should be avoided since the latter enhance the absorption of the aluminum in the antacids. Antacids and citrus fruits or juices should be consumed three hours apart.
Citrus fruits like clementines, mandarins, and tangerines should be avoided by persons who have symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic esophagitis, or a hiatus hernia. They can induce esophageal lining irritation or epigastric burns.
People with gastroesophageal reflux illness, peptic esophagitis, or acute hiatus hernia should avoid mandarin and clementine consumption. These fruits have the potential to irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. burns to the esophagus or the epigastric region As a result, these fruits should not be taken with some antacid medications. It's best to wait three hours between taking antacids and eating a mandarin or orange.
According to AFSSAPS1, citrus fruits “should be avoided with anti-inflammatory medicines or aspirin, under penalty of aggravating or even initiating heartburn or acid reflux.”
Naringin, found in citrus juice, inhibits a process that transfers medicines from the gut to the bloodstream. As a result, there is less absorption and the drug's physiological effects are reduced. Other medications, on the other hand, are detected in high levels in the blood owing to the inhibition of a hepatic enzymatic metabolic process, resulting in drug accumulation in the blood, to which is added the taking of the drug the next day, the day after, and so on. As a result of the unintentional overdose, unpleasant outcomes arise.
Clementines and other fruits of this species are generally chemically treated after harvest since they don't keep well. Tampons are impregnated with fungicide, commonly diphenyl, and placed in shipping boxes to accomplish this. Because the chemical is only partially absorbed by the fruit, the US government has set a limit for diphenyl residues. However, because no law (in the US or Canada) requires the maker or distributor to disclose that such treatment has been used, the customer is rarely aware of the practice.
In France and Switzerland, where pesticides are more of a concern, it is required on the label to state if citrus fruits have been treated against mold after harvest. Consumers can make an educated decision thanks to these restrictions.