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What is the origin of Endive?

Endive is a newcomer to the vegetable world. It was not until 1850 that the Belgian Horticultural Society's chief gardener, M. Bréziers, created its culture. At the time, only the witloof chicory type was available. She arrived in Paris about 30 years later, and tradition has it that a town crier, not knowing the name of the vegetable, dubbed it “endive de Bruxelles,” which was eventually shortened to “endive.”
The plans have been chosen throughout the years in order to generate new types with reduced bitterness. Endives may now be grown year-round because to modern gardening techniques.
What is the Nutritional and caloric values of endive?
Endive is a low-calorie leafy vegetable in particular. It is an excellent source of minerals, including selenium and vitamin B9, or folic acid, which is especially beneficial to pregnant women or those trying to conceive a child.
Endive is primarily composed of water and contains few energetic components. Carbohydrates comprise barely 4 grams per 100 grams, while protein and fat are merely negligible quantities. Sucrose, fructose, and glucose make up these sugars.
Endive is high in vitamin B9, also known as folic acid.
It also contains vitamin C and a little amount of provitamin A.
It includes a variety of minerals and trace elements, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. This last trace element, which has antioxidant characteristics, might help protect our cells from free radical-induced premature aging. It would also act as a preventative measure against some malignancies.
Endive is also high in fibers, including cellulose and delicate hemicelluloses.
Nutritional and caloric values of endive ,
For 100 g of raw endive:
Name of constituents | Unity | Average content |
Energy | Kcal | 17 |
water | g | 94.52 |
Protein | g | 0.9 |
Carbohydrates | g | 4 |
sugar | g | – |
Starch | g | – |
Dietary fiber | g | 3.1 |
Lipids | g | 0.1 |
Saturated FA(fat acid) | g | 0.024 |
Monounsaturated FA | g | 0.002 |
Polyunsaturated FAs | g | 0.044 |
Sodium | mg | 2 |
Magnesium | mg | 10 |
Phosphorus | mg | 26 |
Potassium | mg | 211 |
Calcium | mg | 19 |
Manganese | mg | 0.1 |
Total iron | mg | 0.24 |
Copper | mg | 0.051 |
Zinc | mg | 0.16 |
Selenium | µg | 0.2 |
Iodine | µg | – |
Retinol | µg | 1 |
Beta carotene | µg | 17.1 |
Vitamin D | µg | 0 |
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol) | mg | – |
Vitamin C | mg | 2.8 |
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine | mg | 0.062 |
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin | mg | 0.027 |
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacin | mg | 0.42667 |
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid | mg | 0.145 |
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine | mg | 0.042 |
Vitamin B9 or Total Folate | µg | 37 |
Vitamin K | µg | – |
Endive: What are the benefits?
Endive is a low-calorie leafy vegetable in particular. It is an excellent source of minerals, including selenium and vitamin B9, or folic acid, which is especially beneficial to pregnant women or those trying to conceive a child.
The National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits and vegetables each day and taking advantage of seasonal variability. Endive was once considered a winter vegetable, although it is now available all year. One serving of vegetables is equivalent to one large endive or two mini endives.
In general, the vitamins, antioxidant chemicals, and fibre found in fruits and vegetables provide significant health benefits. A high intake of vegetables and fruits has been demonstrated in several studies to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other disorders.
From the early days of pregnancy, vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, plays an important function in the development of the baby in pregnant women. It would allow for the prevention of defects in neural tube development, in particular.
A steady and consistent supply permits the body to build up reserves from which it can draw in the case of a surge in demand.

Endive properties: a diet ally

Endive, a bitter chicory variant commonly known as “chicory,” is a vegetable that is frequently found on our shelves and plates, especially in the winter.
A chance, since there are many benefits buried beneath its bitter taste that it would be a pity not to take advantage of. Follow us and you will find new things!
Endive is an excellent low-calorie meal, with just 16 calories per 100 grams.
Endive also has diuretic and depurative properties.
As a result, it is able to cleanse the blood while also acting as an anti-inflammatory. As a result, it is suggested in the following situations:
bladder catarrh, cystitis, and liver issues are all possibilities.
Endive increases the amount of digestive fluids produced in our stomach. As a result, eating endive at the start of a meal allows for more effective digestion.
Endive is a high-insulin and vitamin-rich vegetable.
Insulin Endive is well-known among dieticians for its high insulin content, which accounts for 70% of its dry weight.
Insulin, on the other hand, has been shown to aid mineral absorption, lower bad cholesterol, improve intestinal health, and prevent some malignancies.
Endive, on the other hand, offers some lesser-known benefits. It contains a significant quantity of the following:
vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B9, vitamin B5, vitamin C, copper, and manganese are all essential vitamins.
It's worth noting that if endive is exposed to light for an extended period of time, it loses its nutritional value. As a result, it's best to keep it hidden or cover it with paper. Green sections, which are quite bitter, do not appear due to the lack of light. Endives can be stored in the refrigerator's vegetable section or in the basement in a plastic bag for many days.
Endive comes in a variety of forms and formulations. Raw, cooked, steamed, or braised are all options.
Endive, on the other hand, isn't our favorite vegetable. The flaw is a mild bitterness that might make it less enjoyable to eat.
It's good to know that it's abundant on the markets from October to May. It is now available all year thanks to enhanced conservation procedures. We were also able to considerably lessen its bitterness because to the variety selection and maturity testing performed prior to harvest. However, pesticide residues are found in 67.2 percent of non-organic endives (source: NGO Générations futures, new study dated June 6, 2019).
To balance out the inherent bitterness of endive, serve it with the following:
apples, honey, and ham (serving braised endive).
Endives can be soaked in water for 10 minutes to lessen their bitterness.

For additional information about endive's nutritional advantages

Endive is one of the lightest vegetables, with fewer than 20 calories per 100g. Indeed, it is mostly made up of water, with just 3% carbs and 1% proteins. It is very digestible, even for sensitive intestines, with only 1% dietary fiber.
Chicory is a good source of calcium and potassium in terms of micronutrients. As a result, if taken as part of a diversified diet and in combination with other food groups, it can help achieve daily nutritional needs.
Endive offers a number of health advantages, starting with its high water content and soft fiber content, which help with intestinal transit and satiety. It also includes vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are necessary for the body's regular functioning.
a calorie-free veggie
Endive is high in water and helps to meet daily water requirements. It is low in calories and can be taken during weight loss phases.
a good fiber source
Because of its high fiber content, it helps to prevent constipation by increasing intestinal transit. It is endowed with the ability to act as a natural “appetite suppressor.” Endive will play on satiety and help manage appetite thanks to the water and fibre it contains.
Antioxidant strength
It is high in antioxidants, which protect cells from oxidative stress and the body from cancer. Endive is high in antioxidant vitamin C and helps to boost the immune system.
B9 vitamin content
It includes vitamin B9, which is beneficial to pregnant women and growing children for the healthy development of the fetal neurological system.
Endive should be eaten raw to get the most out of its health advantages. Or, at the very least, switch between raw and cooked endive, always favoring moderate cooking. The little white cone at the base of the core should be removed to reduce bitterness while cooking.
How do you pick the proper endive and keep it fresh?
To choose the appropriate endive, look for one that is hard, has tight leaves, and is extremely white.
Endive is a close cousin of salads, but it's more commonly associated with bitter salads like escarole or curly kale.
All of the types that we are familiar with produce white, compact endives. A purple variegated cultivar has been created by crossing an endive with a red chicory.
Endives can be kept in the crisper of the refrigerator for up to 6 days if wrapped in absorbent paper for maximum preservation. They must be protected from light because they will turn green and develop their bitterness if exposed to it.

How to Cook Endives?

Endive has the benefit of being able to be eaten raw or cooked, as well as being ideal for a variety of pairings. To balance out the bitterness, we usually pair it with sweet and/or sliced flavors: fruits, nuts, cheese, and so forth.
Enjoy the endive in its natural state.
With nuts, cheese, and apple in a salad;
Garnish the leaves with tuna rillettes or cheese as an aperitif platter.
Endive in the kitchen: Braised with a little brown sugar or orange juice in a pan;
As a gratin, boiled in water first, then rolled with ham, béchamel, and Gruyère grated;
In a silky sauce with a dash of cream;
Simply steamed with white meats or fish as a side dish