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Where does KIWI come from?

Kiwis are native to China. We may locate a wide range of items there. The tiniest ones are about the size of a grape. They also change hues, such as yellow, orange, red, and green. The skin might be smooth, hairy, or coated in a fine down that is easily removed by rubbing.
The kiwi is one of fifty species in the Actinidia genus, all of which are native to China's hilly areas. Plants climb up the trunks of trees in their native habitat, sometimes fully covering them. Despite the fact that the fruit has been gathered in China for over a thousand years, it was almost unknown in Europe and the United States until the mid-nineteenth century.
The pilgrims will then bring back seeds and plant some examples in botanical gardens, where their leaves will be praised for its beauty.
It was not until the middle of the twentieth century that it was widely farmed, first in New Zealand, where enormous fruit types were developed, and subsequently in California. In the 1980s, the fruit first emerged on our market shelves, with the introduction of innovative Californian cuisine.
The kiwi fruit is now grown in many nations throughout the world, with Italy, New Zealand, France, Greece, Australia, the United States, Chile, and Japan being the primary producers. It can be found virtually all year since it preserves well after harvest and is grown in both hemispheres. The kiwifruit is used to make jelly, jams, marinades, chutneys, ice cream, wine, and dried fruit, in addition to being sold fresh. It is occasionally used to tenderize meats due to its high content of actinidin, an enzyme related to papain. Fibers are also extracted from the tree's leaves and trunk, which are used to make ropes and paper.


What Are The Nutritional and caloric values ​​of Kiwi ?

Actinidia, a climbing plant native to China, is where the kiwi grows. The kiwifruit is made up of more than 80% water and has a vitamin and fiber-rich flesh.
Water makes up more than 80% of the kiwifruit. It has a modest calorie intake (similar to melon, clementine, or apricot) that is mostly attributable to carbs. The latter make up roughly 10% of the total weight of the fruit and are made up of easily digestible carbohydrates like fructose and glucose.
The flesh of the kiwi is high in vitamin C and vitamin E, all of which have antioxidant characteristics, as well as vitamin K and vitamin B9.
It's high in minerals, particularly potassium and copper.
Its fibers are plentiful (about 3 g per 100 g) and are evenly divided between insoluble (cellulose, hemicellulose) and soluble fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose) (pectins).
Actinidin is a particular enzyme found in this fruit. A protease is a protein-degrading enzyme that can break down larger proteins into smaller ones.
The presence of organic acids such as citric acids, quinic acid, and malic acid explains its mildly acidic flavor.
Kiwifruit has fascinating qualities due to its fibers, vitamins, and minerals.
Every day, the National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits or vegetables. A serving of fruit is equal to a big kiwi. Because the kiwi is grown on numerous continents and in both hemispheres, it is available all year. From November through May, you may find fresh Kiwis on the market.
Two kiwis give more than 5 g of fiber, which is around 15% of the daily required intake. Because of the high content and quality of these fibers, kiwifruit may be useful in the treatment of constipation.
A diet high in fiber would help minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, in addition to facilitating normal intestinal transit.
In general, the vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre found in fruits and vegetables provide significant health benefits. A high intake of vegetables and fruits has been demonstrated in several studies to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
Nutritional and caloric values ​​of Kiwi
For 100 g of Kiwi:

Name of constituentsUnityAverage content
Dietary fiberg3
Saturated FA(fat acid)g0.029
Monounsaturated FAg0.047
Polyunsaturated FAsg0.155
Total ironmg0.31
Beta caroteneµg52
Vitamin Dµg0
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol)mg1.46
Vitamin Cmg92.7
Vitamin B1 or Thiaminemg0.027
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavinmg0.025
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacinmg0.5191
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acidmg0.183
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxinemg0.063
Vitamin B9 or Total Folateµg25
Vitamin Kµg40.3

Why should you eat Kiwi?

The kiwi is one of those meals that has a lot of advantages. It includes fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C, among other things. These are all resources that might help it avoid cardiovascular disease and some malignancies from developing.
It's worth noting that the kiwifruit is made up of more than 80% water and has a low calorie count (47 kcal per 100 g). It mostly includes free amino acids that are easy to digest, and its black seeds contain lipids in the form of omega 3 fatty acids.
The kiwifruit is chock-full of antioxidants:
Procyanidins; flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol); phenolic acids; flavans (epicatechin, catechin); flavonols (quercetin, kaempferol); etc.
All of these factors make it possible to:
By neutralizing free radicals in the body, you can slow down aging, especially of the skin, and avoid illnesses like cancer.
More than 5 grams of fiber may be found in only two kiwis. Fibers, on the other hand, enable:
to prevent constipation; to protect against certain cardiovascular illnesses
Controlling type 2 diabetes and hunger to some extent (kiwi fruit promotes satiety ).
Vitamins abound in the kiwifruit:
Vitamin C, an energy and vitality source; vitamin K, which helps to prevent osteoporosis in particular; vitamin B9, which helps to avoid anemia and depressive episodes; vitamin E, antioxidants.
The kiwifruit contains trace metals, particularly copper, that help to ensure:
The creation of collagen aids in the maintenance and regeneration of cellular tissues; cell respiration aids in the delivery of oxygen in the blood.
It also includes potassium, which is healthy for the heart (if consumed in moderation) and magnesium, which helps to maintain muscular and nerve equilibrium, among other things.


What are the health advantages of kiwi fruit?

Before advising kiwifruit intake for the prevention or treatment of certain ailments, further research is needed to substantiate the different beneficial health effects attributed to this fruit.
Several prospective and epidemiological studies, on the other hand, show that a high intake of fruits and vegetables helps to maintain good health by lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic disorders.
The Benefits of Kiwi: Why Eat It?

Kiwi, an anti-cancer food

Several research have revealed the following:
People who ate at least one kiwi each day improved their resistance to oxidation and its negative effects.
Vitamin C alone would not be as efficient as the kiwi or its juice (or extract).
kiwis (also with avocados) are one of the non-organic fruits with the least amount of pesticide residues, with “just” a fourth of them affected (against 89 percent of cherries for example).
One of the suspected reasons of the development of some malignancies is oxidative DNA damage. In one study, participants who ate one kiwi per day for three weeks saw a decrease in DNA oxidation and an increase in blood antioxidant capacity. The DNA of the cells of those who ingested 500 mL (2 cups) of kiwi juice was also shown to be more resistant to oxidation and, as a result, to the damage that can result. In this study, kiwi extract was found to be more efficient than vitamin C (renowned for its antioxidant properties) in protecting DNA from oxidative damage. This shows that kiwifruit's antioxidant activity isn't simply due to its vitamin C concentration.

The kiwi fruit is a miracle cure for cardiac problems.

Other research have demonstrated kiwi's ability to protect against cardiovascular disease:
A month of eating 2 or 3 kiwis per day would result in a drop in platelet aggregation and a decrease in blood triglycerides.
Kiwifruit is also beneficial in preventing the formation of “bad” cholesterol.
Regular eating of kiwifruit improves the lipid profile (good to bad cholesterol ratio) and increases blood levels of vitamins C and E in persons with hyperlipidemia.
The cardioprotective properties of kiwi fruit was proven in a human investigation. The researchers discovered that eating 2 or 3 kiwis each day for roughly a month reduced platelet aggregation and blood triglycerides, two risk factors linked to cardiovascular disease. Regular eating of kiwifruit in hyperlipidemic patients may also assist to improve the lipid profile (good to bad cholesterol ratio) and enhance vitamin C and E levels in the blood.

The kiwi fruit is a great way to avoid constipation.

The kiwifruit is high in dietary fiber, thus eating it regularly can assist to regulate transit without irritating the colon.
Because of its high dietary fiber content, kiwifruit might be beneficial to those suffering from constipation.

For good healing

A beneficial effect on healing
The kiwifruit would aid wound healing:
The kiwi has the ability to speed up the formation of new blood vessels (neovascularization).
It has antimicrobial effects as well.
It may also be useful in the treatment of chronic ulcers.
A rat research found that kiwifruit improves wound healing more effectively than using a standard antibacterial lotion. Kiwifruit may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic ulcers at a reasonable cost due to its ability to control angiogenesis and antibacterial characteristics.

Kiwi against stress and insomnia

Kiwi can help with stress and sleeplessness.
The kiwi fruit is high in B vitamins, which are necessary for neurotransmitter production and, as a result, for normal nervous system function.
It combats the negative effects of stress on the psychological level, reducing hyperemotivity, nervous exhaustion, and even headaches. It also helps to quiet the mind and is especially beneficial during the fall-winter off-season, as it is cultivated at this time.
It's worth noting that, despite its high vitamin C content, it has a sedative effect, making it a good ally in the fight against sleeplessness.

Antioxidant power  

Kiwifruit includes phenolic acids, flavans (epicatechin, catechin), procyanidins, and flavonols, among other phenolic components (quercetin, kaempferol). Antioxidant properties are found in these chemicals found in plants. By neutralizing free radicals in the body, they can help prevent the beginning of numerous illnesses, including some malignancies, cardiovascular disease, and various chronic disorders.

Rich in dietary fiber

Two kiwis give more than 5g of fiber, or about 15% of the daily fiber recommendation. Fiber-rich diets are known to help prevent cardiovascular disease, regulate type 2 diabetes, and control appetite, in addition to reducing constipation.


How to choose the best Kiwi and keep it fresh ?

The kiwi is a fascinating little fruit that belongs to the Actinidiaceae family and has been consumed in China for over 2000 years. Between November and May in France, it may be obtained on market booths, making it a perfect time to take advantage of its high antioxidant and soft fiber content.
The kiwifruit is employed. Cover meat that is a bit too tough with kiwi slices and let it “work” for 20 to 30 minutes to tenderize it.
Due to its high actinidin concentration, kiwifruit can turn milk and other dairy products sour and soften other fruits. Tip: Just before serving, stir it into milk or fruit-based dishes.


How to Prepare Kiwi ?

We're all familiar with whole and raw kiwis, which are typically served as a dessert or breakfast item. This little fruit, on the other hand, enables for the creation of dishes that are as unique as they are tasty. Indeed, the kiwi's sweet and tangy flavor complements both sweet and salty flavors. Kiwi may be used in sweets as well as vegetable salads and other sauce-based meals, whether fresh or cooked.

**Smoothies, morning cereals, sauces, coulis, sorbets, ice creams, and yogurts all benefit from it.
**Clafoutis, cakes, pies, pancakes, and other desserts;
**Serve kiwi slices over a bowl of whole rice drizzled with orange juice and seasoned with cinnamon for breakfast.
**In the fondue de chocolat;
**Freeze kiwi slices before dipping them in molten chocolate and returning them to the freezer;
**Salad with tropical fruits Combine banana, papaya, and kiwi slices in a bowl and drizzle with honey-sweetened orange juice.
**Simply offer a few slices of kiwi with a fine cheese, walnuts or hazelnuts as an appetizer, or as a snack with a few squares of nice dark chocolate.
**Salad for spring. Combine young spinach leaves, fresh strawberries, and kiwis in a mixing bowl. Serve with a raspberry vinegar sauce on top.
**Salad with avocados Avocado, kiwi, and radish slices tossed with endive or radicchio leaves and tossed in a vinaigrette flavored with grated ginger;
**Cover fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, or grilled veggies with a mashed kiwi and lemon juice sauce.
**Salsa. Kiwis, tomatillos, coriander leaves, jalapeño pepper, sweet onion, and lime juice should all be chopped and mixed together. Serve with yellow or blue corn tortillas after chilling. Avocado halves can also be stuffed with it.
**Salad de Bougour. Cook for about 15 minutes after sautéing the mushrooms, adding the bulgur and water or broth. Allow it cool before adding thinly sliced cabbage, chopped red onion, and a vinaigrette scented with lemon zest, mint, or cilantro;
**Sandwich with salmon and kiwi. Spread smoked salmon, kiwi slices, different greens, and horseradish sauce on a whole wheat bread.
**Pasta with chicken, kiwi, and tomatoes. Set aside the chicken pieces once they have been sautéed. After that, sauté the onions, garlic, red and yellow peppers, and mushrooms. Combine the chicken, peeled and finely cut tomatoes, and kiwi pieces in a mixing bowl. Season with a herb of your choosing (for example, basil or oregano), simmer for 30 minutes, and serve over pasta.
**In Japan, we occasionally eat kiwis with salt. They are also served with raw scallop pieces. Add the kiwis to a sauce comprised of rice vinegar, soy sauce, dashi, honey, and salt. Arrange in a bowl, followed by the cut scallops and chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.


Allergies to the kiwi fruit

There are few contraindications to eating kiwi; it's good for your health and high in fibers, and it's often easily tolerated. Kiwifruit, on the other hand, is a so-called “latex” fruit that might cause allergic responses in those who are sensitive to it. If you have any doubts, you should seek medical advice immediately.
There are a lot of people who are allergic to kiwifruit.
The kiwi allergy is becoming increasingly common, according to reports. The kiwi is a histamine-releasing food, meaning it causes histamine to be released in the body, which can trigger allergic responses in susceptible individuals, ranging from hives to anaphylactic shock.
As a result, it is not suggested that young children consume it before the age of one year.
Be aware that kiwifruit might trigger the same allergic responses as peanuts or other fruits and vegetables in certain people:
Hay fever is a common starting point for allergies.
Itching, burns to the tongue, lips, and throat, and hives can all be symptoms of kiwifruit allergies.
Latex, pollen, banana, avocado, and other sensitivities are frequently linked to kiwi allergies.
For more understanding on the allergic reaction of kiwifruit
Oral allergy syndrome has been linked to kiwifruit. This condition is caused by an allergic response to proteins found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Pollen allergies are the most common cause, and it is nearly always followed by hay fever. As a result, some persons with ragweed allergies may experience an immunological reaction if they ingest raw kiwifruit (cooking normally breaks down the allergenic proteins).
Itching and burning sensations in the mouth, lips, and neck plague some patients. Symptoms may arise and then disappear, generally within a few minutes of the individual eating or touching the offending food. In the absence of additional symptoms, this response is not significant, and kiwifruit eating does not need to be avoided on a regular basis. It is, however, advised that you visit an allergist to discover the source of your sensitivities to plant foods. The latter will be able to determine whether particular measures are required.
Kiwi allergy appears to be becoming increasingly widespread, and it is frequently coupled with other allergies. Indeed, multiple incidences of latex and pollen cross-allergy have been recorded in recent years. People who are allergic to pollen or latex may be allergic to kiwifruit (as well as bananas and avocados), and vice versa. Actinidin, a protein present in kiwifruit, has been identified as a potential allergy. Other proteins, however, might potentially be implicated.
People who are allergic to latex or pollen should be extra cautious given the possible severity of the responses. It is essential that you visit an allergist to establish the source of your allergies to various foods and the measures you should take.


The 09 benefits of kiwi

1- It has a low calorie count.
The kiwifruit is high in water and low in calories, making it an excellent slimming companion. Its high fiber content, on the other hand, aids in fullness and minimizes the likelihood of cravings.
2- It boosts the immune system's defenses.
Vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids, an antioxidant that helps keep the body healthy, are all abundant in kiwifruit. It helps you to bring the most energy and stay in shape.
3- It results in lovely skin.
The kiwi fruit is high in antioxidant vitamins, which help to prevent the formation of free radicals, which are linked to cell aging. A kiwi a day helps to enhance skin suppleness and natural radiance.
4- It would help to avoid heart disease.
Potassium is abundant in kiwi fruit. Potassium, on the other hand, would help to avoid cardiac issues. According to a study done by University of Oslo experts, eating two to three kiwis each day significantly lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also helps to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.
5- It is restorative.
The antibacterial characteristics of the kiwi fruit improve wound and ulcer healing, according to a study done on rats by researchers at the University of Isfahan in Iran.
6- He fights asthma
Because of its vitamin content, kiwi fruit is suggested for persons with asthma and respiratory problems to consume on a regular basis.
According to certain research, it would relieve symptoms associated with breathing issues.
7- It's high in potassium.
Potassium is required for normal cell, neuron, and muscle function. The kiwi is high in potassium, with 332 milligrams per 100g. It therefore contributes to the appropriate functioning of the heart rhythm, digestion, and nerve impulse transmission.
8- It would help to avoid certain malignancies.
During a three-week study, researchers discovered a decrease in oxidation in the body and an increase in antioxidative capacity in people who consumed one kiwi each day. This study found that kiwi extract was more effective than vitamin C, suggesting that the kiwi's antioxidative power is not only due to its vitamin C content.
9- It aids with digestion.
Kiwi fruit is high in fiber, which aids digestion. It also includes actinidin, an enzyme that aids in protein breakdown, which promotes digestion.