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What is the origin of Lingonberry ?

Plants belonging to the genus Vaccinium's several varieties and subspecies are referred to as “lingonberries.” It's also how all the edible fruits from these trees are referred to.
Large-fruited bilberries, small-leaved bilberries, blueberries, bilberries, and black bilberries are among the many varieties of lingonberries.
Lingonberry is similar to cranberry and bilberry, which are also members of the vaccinium berry family but have quite distinct tastes and health advantages.
Lingonberry is a little red berry with a strong flavor. Lingonberry (or lingonberry from Mount Ida or lingonberry) is a tiny, red, tart, slightly mealy berry with various variations. In August and September, it may be found on the early-market stalls.
The “giant lingonberry of North America,” the cranberry (or cranberry or atoca), is medium, red, and tart. From September through December, it can be found. Cranberries with enormous fruits or giant atocas yield dark red, tart berries that are 1 to 2 cm in diameter. In Canada and the United States, several kinds are cultivated commercially.
** Season August September
** The scent of the fruits should be nice. The peduncle should be green rather than withered, and the fruit should be inflated rather than blistering. Fresh cranberries are hard to get by in France; nevertheless, they are readily available in American stores.
They come entire in natural canned, dried, or frozen forms. The majority of lingonberry and cranberry output in the United States and Canada is processed into juice and jam.
** Lingonberries are rarely eaten raw because they are so acidic. They are used to decorate, in addition to the turkey, other fowl (Christmas goose with cranberry compote is a Danish tradition), game, and occasionally foie gras, in sauce or whole. They are used in the making of chutneys. They may be used in cakes, muffins, and other baked goods in jelly, jam, marmalade, or dry form. Cocktails include lingonberry juice.
** Lingonberries are high in antioxidants (such as carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, and mineral salts.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

What Are The Nutritional and caloric values ​​of Lingonberry ?

Lingonberry is a little red berry that is sometimes mistaken with blueberries or cranberries. It has its unique set of health advantages. Its vitamin C concentration and antioxidant active components, among other things, are vital for the body's healthy functioning. This amazing little fruit has a lot of surprises in store for you in the kitchen as well.
Lingonberry characteristics
Antioxidant-rich; potassium and vitamin C-rich; diuretic; aids in the prevention of cystitis and urinary tract infections
Lingonberry is a low-calorie fruit that may be included in a diversified and balanced diet. It is ingested mostly for the micronutrients it contains, which are necessary for physiological function. The following nutrients make up the majority of these nutrients:
Potassium: bilberry should be included in your diet if you want to take care of your muscular health: its potassium level, when combined with that present in other daily foods, will allow you to meet your demands;
Vitamin C: Although its concentration is not as great as that of other fruits, bilberry is frequently used in considerable quantities in recipes, allowing us to benefit from vitamin C's antioxidant properties.
With only 25 calories per 100 grams of lingonberries, the energy intake is relatively low, allowing you to eat bilberry even if you're trying to lose weight!
Lingonberry is a little fruit with several benefits. Its high water, antioxidant, and vitamin content provide health advantages that would be a pity to overlook.
It's a berry with hydrating characteristics.
Bilberry is extremely hydrating, with a water content of around 90%. As a result, it may be conveniently ingested in the form of juice to keep the body hydrated.
Lingonberries are high in antioxidants.
Bilberry gets its color from the tannins it contains. It's a great fruit for slowing down cell aging and rebuilding tissues.
Effects of diuretics
Bilberry will help you adequately remove extra water in your body thanks to flavonoids and mineral salts.
Cystitis prevention
Lingonberry juice is the most beneficial in avoiding cystitis (urinary tract infections); in fact, bilberry has been shown to inhibit the bacterium Escherichia Coli, which is commonly seen in cystitis.
Nutritional and caloric values ​​of The Lingonberry
For 100 g of Lingonberry :

NutrientsAverage content
Water90.7 g
Carbohydrates8.7 g
Lipids0.1 g
Protein0.4 g
Potassium320 mg
Magnesium20 mg
Calcium56 mg
Vitamin C8 mg
Fibers2 g
Energy25 kcal
Energy104.5 kJ
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

Why should you eat Lingonberry ?

Lingonberries are little red berries with a flavor comparable to cranberries but less sour.
They grow on Vaccinium vitis-idaea, a tiny evergreen shrub endemic to northern Europe's Scandinavian area.
Bearberry, redberry, partridgeberry, foxberry, cowberry, and Alaskan lowbush cranberry are some of the various names for the berry.
Because of its nutritional content and possible health advantages, such as weight loss and heart health, lingonberries have been dubbed a superfruit.
Lingonberries have 14 remarkable health advantages.

1- High in Antioxidants

Lingonberries are known for their antioxidants and other plant chemicals in terms of nutrition.
Manganese is a mineral that is a component of one of your body's primary antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, and a 3/4-cup (100-gram) portion of lingonberries provides 139 percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for manganese.
Furthermore, a serving of lingonberries offers 10% and 12% of the recommended daily intakes for vitamin E and C, respectively, both of which are antioxidants.
Furthermore, lingonberries, like many other berries, are high in plant chemicals such as anthocyanins and flavonoids.
Anthocyanins, which give lingonberries their red color, may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Quercetin, a flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, is also found in lingonberries. It might help you avoid excessive blood pressure, heart disease, and other problems.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

2- It is possible that this product will help to promote healthy gut bacteria.

The bacteria and other germs in your digestive system, known as your gut microbiota, may have an important role in your health. What you consume has a significant influence on the composition of your gut bacteria.
According to animal research, consuming lingonberries may cause changes in the composition of your gut bacteria, which may help protect against low-grade inflammation.
Feeding lingonberries to mice on a high-fat diet for 11 weeks prevented low-grade inflammation and raised the quantity of Akkermansia muciniphila, bacteria that help maintain your gut lining healthy.
Chronic inflammation is linked to a variety of diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and dementia.
Thus, include lingonberries in your diet may offer anti-inflammatory and gut-health advantages, however human studies are needed to substantiate these benefits.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

3- Could Help With Weight Loss

Lingonberries, like other berries, are a low-calorie fruit, with just 54 calories per 3/4-cup (100-gram) meal.
When it comes to their possible involvement in weight control, however, there may be more at stake than merely a low calorie count.
In a three-month trial of mice on a high-fat diet, those that got 20% of their calories from lingonberries weighed 21% less and had considerably less body fat than those who got an equal-calorie, high-fat diet without the berries.
Furthermore, lingonberry eaters kept their weight and lean body better than mice fed high-fat diets containing other berries.
The causes for lingonberries' apparent anti-obesity benefits were not investigated in this study, however they might be attributable to changes in gut microbes that encourage leanness.
Another study discovered that feeding mice lingonberries lowered the amount of Firmicutes bacteria in the stomach, which has been related to increased body weight. This might be due to Firmicutes' superior ability to derive energy from undigested food particles.
Furthermore, one test-tube research reveals that lingonberries may impede the function of an enzyme required for fat digestion. You won't get the calories from fat if you don't digest it.
More human study is needed to confirm the possible anti-obesity benefits of lingonberries and to discover the dosage required to gain this advantage.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

4- Maintains a healthy level of blood sugar

Lingonberries and lingonberry extract may help manage blood sugar, according to test-tube and animal research, which might be related to its polyphenol and fiber levels.
These findings are backed up by preliminary human investigations.
Despite the increased carbohydrates from the fruit, healthy males who ate sweetened yogurt with 1/3 cup (40 grams) of lingonberry powder had the same blood sugar and insulin levels as when they ate yogurt without lingonberry powder.
Similarly, healthy women who ate 2/3 cup (150 grams) of pureed lingonberries with around 3 tablespoons (35 grams) of sugar had a 17 percent lower peak insulin after eating than a control group who ate the sugar without the lingonberries.
Controlling insulin levels and avoiding insulin spikes can help you maintain your body's insulin sensitivity, lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

5- Possibly Beneficial to Heart Health

Many berries, including lingonberries, have been shown to improve heart health. This advantage might be attributed to the polyphenol and fiber levels of these foods.
Lingonberries may help relax your heart's arteries to promote blood flow, delay the progression of atherosclerosis, lower triglycerides, and protect heart cells from oxidative damage, according to test-tube and animal studies.
Mice fed a high-fat diet containing 20% of calories from lingonberries for three months had total cholesterol levels 30% lower than mice fed an equal-calorie, high-fat diet without the berries.
Furthermore, mice fed a lingonberry-rich diet had much less fat deposition in their livers. This shows that the berries may protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is a risk factor for heart disease.
Human research is still required.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

6- May Help to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

In your eyes, light can trigger free radical damage.
Your retina, which transforms light into nerve impulses that your brain perceives as vision, is particularly sensitive to ultraviolet A (UVA) and blue light from the sun and digital gadgets such as smartphones and laptops.
Lingonberry extract appears to protect retina cells from free radical damage caused by both blue and UVA light in test tubes. Plant chemicals, such as anthocyanins, provide this protection.
Consuming berry anthocyanins elevates blood levels of these beneficial plant components, which can then be delivered to your eyes, according to previous animal and human research.
Though further study is needed to prove the eye health advantages of lingonberry extract, eating enough of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables — which might include lingonberries — is a long-standing advice for strengthening eyesight.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

7- Cancer Risk Could Be Reduced

Fruit, particularly lingonberries, contains fiber, plant chemicals, and vitamins that may lower the risk of cancer.
In a 10-week trial of mice predisposed to intestinal tumors, those fed 10% (by weight) of their high-fat diet as freeze-dried, powdered lingonberries had 60% smaller and 30% fewer tumors than the control group.
A test-tube investigation also discovered that fermented lingonberry juice prevented the development and spread of oral cancer cells. However, 30 times the amount of lingonberry juice was required to equal the effects of curcumin – an anticancer component found in turmeric.
Supplements containing lingonberry extract, which concentrates the beneficial components, may also be an option.
Lingberry extracts appear to induce the death of human leukemia cancer cells while inhibiting the growth and spread of human breast, colon, and cervical cancer cells in test tubes.
Though these findings are encouraging, more study is required.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

8- Brain health

Lingonberries or their extract may boost brain function, especially memory when stressed, according to rodent research. Antioxidants in the berries appear to protect brain cells in test tubes.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

9- Antiviral

In a test tube investigation, lingonberry extract — specifically anthocyanins — inhibited influenza virus A replication and prevented the replication of coxsackievirus B1, which has been related to an elevated risk of type 1 diabetes.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

10- Oral health

Oral health: Lingonberries contain plant components that, according to test-tube research, may help fight germs that cause gum disease and plaque buildup on teeth.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

11- Kidney protection

Kidney protection: Giving rats 1 mL of lingonberry juice every day for three weeks before a renal injury protected them from kidney failure. The anthocyanins in the juice helped to minimize kidney irritation.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

12- Urinary tract infections

Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) were reduced by 20% in women who drank a mix of cranberry and lingonberry juice concentrate for six months. Lingonberry juice, on the other hand, has to be examined on its own.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

13- Food preservation

Food preservation: Adding lingonberry concentrate to a low-sugar fruit spread inhibited the formation of mold. A lingonberry extract also effectively inhibited the development of germs that usually cause food poisoning.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

14- It adds a splash of color to your diet

Countless meals can benefit from the brilliant color and sweet-tart flavor of these red berries.
Lingonberries are exclusively accessible in select parts of the country. They're most common in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and neighboring nations, as well as the Pacific Northwest and a few northeastern US states. In eastern Canada, they may also grow wild.
Lingonberries can be purchased fresh, frozen, or powdered. They're also available dry or in juices, sauces, jellies, and preserves, however these are sometimes sweetened with sugar, making them less nutritious.
Here are some lingonberry-related ideas:
Linguine powder can be used in yogurt, smoothies, or protein drinks.
Lingonberries, fresh or frozen, can be added to leafy green salads.
Serve with homemade lingonberry sauce sweetened with stevia on pancakes or waffles.
Lingonberries are a delicious addition to scones, muffins, and other baked foods.
Lingonberry powder can be added to hot or cold cereal.
To make a fruit salad, combine fresh or frozen lingonberries with additional berries.
Lingonberry powder can be added to hot or cold tea.
In most recipes, lingonberries may be substituted for cranberries or blueberries.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

How can you choose the finest lingonberries and properly store it?

The lingonberry is a little acidic berry that is brilliant red in hue. It may be distinguished from cranberries by its fruits, which are about 0.6 cm long and grow in clusters, and whose flesh is white, sour, and pulpy at the same time.
Lingonberry is a semi-shrubby plant that thrives in hilly, harsh environments. This plant can grow up to 3000 meters in height and withstand temperatures as low as -25 degrees Celsius. Its tiny, tart red fruits are picked when somewhat wilted and vivid in color towards the end of summer.
Pay attention to the level of maturity.
Lingonberries that are ripe should be tiny, red, and slightly mealy. It must have a bright green peduncle that is inflated like a gooseberry.
Lingonberry's seasonality
In August and September, the bilberry reaches full maturity. Fresh bilberries are hard to get by in France; they're more commonly available canned, dehydrated, or frozen.
What is the best way to preserve Lingonberry ?
Bilberries should be stored in the crisper of the refrigerator if purchased fresh. It is brittle and will not sustain extended storage since it is highly concentrated in water (a few days at most).

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

How to Prepare Lingonberry ?

Bilberry is rather sour when eaten raw, but it becomes sweeter when cooked and maybe with a little sugar.
Sauce made with lingonberries
The most common recipe is the well-known Nordic lingonberry sauce, which pairs well with poultry and pork. You may also add blueberries to duck breasts to make them more flavorful.
How to make a sweet version of lingonberries
Its acidic flavor precludes it from being eaten raw as is; nevertheless, it may be processed into delightful jams, eaten dry in cakes and cakes, or even juiced.

Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,
Lingonberry,lingonberry jam, lingonberry sauce, lingonberry plants, lingonberry taste, lingonberry juice, lingonberry ikea, lingonberry preserves, lingonberry benefits, lingonberry jam ikea, lingonberry vs cranberry,

Contraindications and allergies to lingonberries

There are minimal contraindications to eating fresh cranberries due to their practically unrivaled nutritional profile.
However, bilberry can be harmful when ingested in concentrated form, such as in gemmotherapy or in the form of processed and sweet items.
Cancer caused by hormones
Liningonberry ingestion is not suggested in those with a history of hormone-dependent malignancies due to its unique composition and activity matching that of estrogen.
This is especially true when bilberry is ingested in the form of lingonberry bud (gemmotherapy).
Be cautious of sugary products.
Lingonberry is a tiny, extremely sour berry in its natural state. As a result, lingonberry-containing dishes and beverages are frequently heavy in added sugars. To retain the advantages of bilberry while maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, it is essential to carefully study food labels in order to make the best selections.