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What is the origin of Pear ?


The name of the pear is directly derived from the Latin Pyra in almost all Western languages. In the 12th century, the phrase first entered in the English language. The moniker “apple-pear” given to the Asian pear is incorrect. It is neither an apple, nor is it the result of a cross between an apple and a pear, as has long been assumed. It is, in fact, a pear (of the botanical genus Pyrus). It varies from its European relative in a few ways, including form and size.
Pyrus trees are indigenous to the Middle East and Kashmir's subalpine regions. Central Asia and the Far East still have wild species. Because their fruits are tiny and limited in quantity, only birds can collect them.
Farmers are said to have started domesticating the pear tree some 7,000 years ago, perhaps around the same time as the apple tree. We think of a Chinese man named Feng Li, who, 5000 years ago, would have quit his job as a diplomat to pursue his new passion: grafting peach, almond, persimmon, pear, and apple trees. The pear, along with thyme and figs, appears on Sumerian clay tablets two thousand years later.
Since Homer described it as a gift from the gods, the Greeks would have welcomed it. But it is the Romans who are responsible for its widespread adoption in the rest of Europe. They would have crossed it multiple times, yielding roughly fifty different types. There are more than 15,000 kinds of pears in the world today, all of which are descended from two species: the Asian pear (Pyrus sinensis) and the European pear (Pyrus communis) (Pyrus communis).
Because of its fragility, the pear blossom is regarded in China as a metaphor of life's transience. The pear is a feminine sensual emblem in the dreamy cosmos of the West. Belle Lucrative, Comtesse d'Angoulème, Doyenne du Comice, Duchesse d'Orléans, Joséphine de Malines, Louise-bonne de Jersey, Marie-Louise, Madeleine, Winter Nelis… are just a few of the names given to it over the years.


What Are The Nutritional and caloric values ​​of The Pear?

Pears are high in vitamins, and their fibers gently encourage digestive function. It is one of the first fruits, along with apple and banana, that is advised for young children's nutritional diversity.
Pear is a fruit with a modest amount of energy. The majority of its calories come from carbs. They add to its sweet taste, with organic acids providing a mild tanginess.
It includes almost 84 percent water, in which several minerals and trace metals like as potassium, zinc, and copper are dissolved.
Its skin and meat contain a variety of vitamins, including vitamin C, B vitamins, provitamin A, and a trace quantity of vitamin E.
They also have a high concentration of antioxidant phenolic chemicals, such as flavonoids, in the fruit's skin.
The fibers are largely made up of insoluble fibers like as celluloses, hemicelluloses, and lignin, and vary in abundance according on the variety (traces).
The season for pears lasts from August through November.
Every day, the National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits or vegetables. One serving of fruit is equivalent to a small pear or half of a large pear.
Pear helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and some malignancies due to its high fiber content and high level of quercetin, a potent antioxidant. Furthermore, a study1 looked at the effect of eating white fruits like apples and pears. It was shown that heavy users had a 52 percent decreased risk of stroke. Thus, consuming a pear (120 g) everyday would cut the risk by 45 percent.
Organically grown pears are claimed to have greater levels of phenolic compounds than conventionally grown pears1. In the absence of pesticides, fruits would be able to use their “antioxidant” defenses against pathogenic substances to a greater extent.
Nutritional and caloric values ​​of The Pear
For 100 g of Pear :

Name of constituentsUnityAverage content
Dietary fiberg2.3
Saturated FA(fat acid)g
Monounsaturated FAg
Polyunsaturated FAsg
Total ironmg0.2
Beta caroteneµg162
Vitamin Dµg0
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol)mg0.5
Vitamin Cmg5
Vitamin B1 or Thiaminemg0.03
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavinmg0.03
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacinmg0.2
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acidmg0.06
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxinemg0.06
Vitamin B9 or Total Folateµg0.01
Vitamin Kµg

Why should you eat Pear ?

When you eat well, you give yourself the best chance of staying healthy. A well-balanced diet supplies the body with the nutrition it requires to fight a variety of ailments.
As a result, the pear is well-known for:
Boost the fetus' growth. This fruit, which contains 14 g/pear (micrograms) of vitamin B9 (folic acid), should be included in the diet of pregnant women. It's worth noting that vitamin B9 helps to prevent birth abnormalities like spina bifida.
Bring vigor.
Rehydrate and quench your thirst.
Because of its potassium content (130 mg per 100 g of raw fruit), it aids in the removal of uric acid through the urine. As a result, it aids in the treatment of: drop, arthritis, and rheumatism.
Boost your immune system.
Because it is high in water, hydrate the body. Water makes up about 85 percent of a pear.
Increase intestinal transit with its high fiber content (3g per 100g of raw fruit).
Allow for easier digestion.
Its vitamin E concentration and antioxidant capabilities help to prevent cell aging.
As part of a well-balanced diet, you can help minimize your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Because organic pears are not treated with pesticides, they have a higher antioxidant content. Because 75.7 percent of non-organic pears include residues, it is critical to choose pears from organic cultivation (and 1.9 percent exceed the maximum limits set by Europe).
If you have a pollen allergy, it's best to eat cooked pears. The allergenic protein in the pear, which can cause tingling in the neck, lips, and mouth, is inhibited by cooking.
The pear is simple to prepare and may be eaten fresh or cooked. Do not be afraid to serve the pear as an accompaniment to meat, such as game or poultry; in a fresh salad with pepper and tomato; with cheese, which it enhances in flavor; in fruit salad; poached in wine; poached and served with a chocolate sauce; cooked in a compote, tart, charlotte, in the oven sprinkled with spices: it goes well with ginger, coriander, mint, or even green pepper and curry.
Why not try the pear in a carafe if you have a pear tree? Simply place a pear at the beginning of its growth in the neck of a lovely carafe. Inside its glass container, the fruit will grow gradually.
All that remains is to cover the decanted pear with premium brandy after carefully detaching the fruit from the tree. After two months of age, this digestif should be consumed in moderation.
The pear, a friend of our health, is a highly intriguing fruit from a nutritional standpoint, since it contains:
potassium; vitamins B, C, E, and K; flavonoids; fibers; tannins; sorbitol; fructose
However, in large amounts, sorbitol can induce bloating (more than 2 fruits 1/2 / day), and fructose can cause diarrhea (more than 5 pears / day).
Pears should not be consumed in excess of two per day by people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. If you're unsure, see a nutritionist.
It's important to remember that pear nectar might induce infant restlessness and persistent diarrhea in young children.


The advantages of pears in terms of micronutrients

From appetizer to dessert, pear pairs well with alé and sweet. As a result, it is possible to create nutritious, unique, and delicious foods. It is also high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, which may help to reduce cardiovascular disease and some malignancies.
Characteristics of pears
Antioxidant power; interesting vitamin C content; promotes cardiovascular health and transit; anti-cancer properties
The pear has a low calorie value but a high nutritious value, with just 57 kcal per 100 g. It is mostly made up of water, carbs, and fibers, all of which are necessary for the digestive system to work properly. The pear also aids in satiety and delivers energy that is readily absorbed by the body.
In terms of micronutrients, pear is a rich source of vitamin K and copper, as well as a great source of antioxidant vitamin C. As a result, it has a full nutritional profile and deserves to be included in a well-balanced diet.
Pears grown organically have higher levels of phenolic chemicals than pears grown conventionally, according to researchers. Even so, there would be a large proportion in the latter. In the absence of pesticides, organic farming would allow fruits to better deploy their “antioxidant” defenses against infections. In any event, regardless of their culture, it is recommended that they take fruits and vegetables every day in order to reap the many advantages they provide.


Anti-cancer virtues

Antioxidants, which are abundant in fruits and vegetables, especially pears, can help to lower the risk of some forms of cancer.

Cardiovascular health

When the peel of pears is added to an otherwise high-cholesterol meal, it lowers blood lipid levels and raises antioxidant levels in the blood. Although these findings need to be confirmed in people, it appears that eating the entire pear rather than just the meat provides the most antioxidants.
According to another study, fruit consumption has different impacts on antioxidant capacity and blood lipids depending on whether you smoke or not. Indeed, nonsmokers' antioxidant capacity is enhanced by daily fruit eating (a pear, an apple, and 34 cup (200ml) of orange juice). Researchers have discovered a drop in blood lipids in smokers.

Antioxidant power

Several phenolic chemicals can be found in pears. These antioxidant-rich chemicals found in plant-based diets can help to prevent a variety of ailments, including some forms of cancer and cardiovascular disease. These phenolic components, flavonoids and phenolic acids, are mostly found in the peel of the pear, although they can also be found in tiny amounts in the flesh of the fruit.

Dietary fiber

Pears are abundant in dietary fiber, which is beneficial for controlling intestinal transit and avoiding cardiovascular disease. Insoluble fiber makes up around two-thirds of the fiber in pear. The fiber content of the pear peel is higher than that of the pulp.


How can you choose the finest Pear and properly store it?

The idea is to put a barely formed pear, still dangling from its branch, in a narrow-necked carafe and let it to grow all summer in this small greenhouse. We choose a fruit that is growing upwards from the end of a branch. It's put into the decanter, which is hanging upside down in the tree. When the pear is mature, it is harvested and placed in a decanter with alcohol or brandy. Before tasting, it is sealed with a cork and let to mature for 1 or 2 months.
The pear, like the apple and the strawberry, belongs to the Rosaceae family of fruits. It originated in Central Asia and has since spread around the world, becoming extensively consumed on all continents. It may be found on market booths in the fall and winter, and it is prized for its sweet taste and distinct flavor.
We recommend buying pears with smooth, firm skin for optimum taste. There must be no indications of impact or bruise on the skin. The peduncle must have a good grip on the fruit. We recommend buying firm pears that will continue to mature in the fruit basket over the winter.
For the best possible conservation,
The pear is a fruit that ripens swiftly. If you buy a perfectly ripe pear, you should eat it within 48 hours at the most. It is also possible to purchase a fruit that is not entirely ripe; the fruit will continue to mature at room temperature and can be consumed within a week.


How to Prepare Pear ?

Pear adds a lot to everyday dishes because to its sweet and distinct flavor. It pairs well with other fruits, almonds, vanilla, or even chocolate in a dessert form. In a salty variant, it pairs well with strong-flavored cheeses and may also be used to produce unique salads or to accompany strong-flavored meat.

With chocolate, in sorbet or pie. At the Belle-Hélène, you may coat it in chocolate, poach it, turn it into sweets, or just bake it into a pie. Cook it in syrup and serve it with vanilla ice cream and hot cocoa on top; poach it in a spicy clove, cinnamon, and cardamom wine; stuff it with dried fruits and bake it; or serve it with almonds and cashews.

Why not resurrect a tradition that dates from the 14th through the 16th centuries? Even the phrase “between pear and cheese” is named after him. It was a matter of offering a break in the meal, with the pear functioning as a palate cleanser before presenting the cheese; serve the pear at the same time as the cheese, which it pairs nicely with. To burst the tastes, alternate slices of one and the other. She's perfect in a blue cheese soufflé; as a complement or stuffing for meat, poultry, and game. Try it in a cold salsa with tomatoes, peaches, red pepper, onion, jalapeo pepper, fresh cilantro, lemon, and honey, or on a skewer with pieces of veal or pig. Allow the flavors to combine in the fridge for a few hours before serving as a side dish with grilled meat or fish.

Oriental. Bake in the oven with paprika, coriander, and cumin; Caribbean style. Cook it in an Indian manner with grated ginger, green pepper, and fresh cilantro. Curry, mint, scallion, coriander seeds, and minced pepper are used in this dish.


What are Pears contraindications and allergies?

The pear might be to blame for an allergic reaction to some vegetable proteins known as oral allergy syndrome. Some persons who are allergic to pollen suffer from this condition. After ingesting or handling the offending food, the allergic individual has stinging and burning sensations in their mouth, lips, and throat. Symptoms might fade away in a matter of minutes.
However, an allergist should be consulted to ascertain the reason of the response and any preventative precautions that might be taken.
In sensitive persons, pear contains fructose and sorbitol, two sugars that can induce gastrointestinal discomfort (bloating, gas, and diarrhea). In adults, 10 g of sorbitol per day and 50 g or more of fructose per day might cause discomfort.
A fresh apple has 6 times as much sorbitol (2.6 g) as a glass of apple juice (250 ml) (0.4 g). When it comes to fructose, the difference is smaller: a glass of juice has 14.2 g, whereas an apple has 8.2 g.
In persons with irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal hypersensitivity, pear consumption may induce digestive problems. In sensitive persons, it can also trigger more or less severe allergic responses. If you have any doubts, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
** Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
In sensitive persons, sorbitol and fructose, sugars found in pears, can induce gastrointestinal discomfort (gas, bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea). Irritable bowel syndrome sufferers are particularly susceptible. Adults can experience these side effects from as little as 10 grams of sorbitol per day (corresponding to about 2.5 medium pears). Fructose consumption of 50g or more per day (about equivalent to 5 medium pears or 2 12 cups (625ml) of pear nectar) might induce diarrhea.
Consumption of pear nectar and apple juice by youngsters may be a cause of chronic idiopathic diarrhea (of unknown origin). There might possibly be a relationship between pear juice intolerance and infant restlessness. If you have gastrointestinal issues, check to see if these drinks are to blame.
** Oral allergy syndrome
The pear is a food that has been linked to oral allergy syndrome. This condition is characterized by an allergic response to proteins found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It is usually often preceded by hay fever and affects persons with allergies to environmental pollens.
Itching and burning sensations in the mouth, lips, and throat are common among allergy sufferers who ingest raw pear (cooking normally breaks down allergenic proteins). Symptoms might arise and then go quickly after eating or handling the problematic food.
This response is not significant in the absence of additional symptoms, and pear eating should not be avoided on a regular basis. However, you should see an allergist to figure out what's causing your sensitivities to plant foods. The latter will be able to determine whether further measures are required.


5 reasons to put pear on the menu

Pears are a nutrient-dense fruit with several health advantages. Here are five compelling reasons to include it on your menu!
** Encourage intestinal transit to become more regular.
Pears, and more specifically their peels, are high in dietary fiber. It is medium in size and includes roughly 5 g, or 20% of the daily recommended consumption. Insoluble fiber makes up two-thirds of it, or around 3 g. These help to regulate the frequency of bowel movements and relieve constipation by promoting food circulation in the digestive tract. Because of its high dietary fiber content, the pear may even help to prevent colon cancer when consumed on a regular basis.
** Lower levels of cholesterol
Pectin, which is abundant in the pear peel, is a chemical that significantly lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, known as LDL (low density lipoproteins). This fruit's soluble dietary fiber also helps to decrease cholesterol levels.
** Certain kinds of cancer can be avoided.
The many phenolic chemicals found in pears provide a variety of health advantages, including the prevention of some cancers. This fruit is strong in antioxidants, with a TAC index (total antioxidant capacity) ranging from 2,000 to 14,000 mol. Because of the antioxidants in it, it is able to combat the activity of free radicals, which contribute to the development of illnesses such as cancer.
** Boost your immune system.
Pears are high in vitamin C, E, A, and B, which may be found in both the peel and the flesh of the fruit. It provides about 10% of the daily vitamin C requirement. Regular intake as part of a well-balanced diet can help to boost the immune system and defend against minor illnesses that are common during the changing seasons.
** It is good for the health of your bones and teeth.
Phosphorus and calcium, two elements important for bone and dental health, are found in pears. It also includes boron, a trace element that helps the body retain calcium and has been shown to have a good influence on calcifications and bone mass stability.