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Where does the turnip come from?
The turnip, according to historians, comes from either the Mediterranean basin or China, where other vegetable plants of the same species are grown.
We know that the Greeks and Romans were well-versed in a wide range of kinds. Pliny the Elder classified turnips with elongated shapes as rapa and napus in the first century of our era.
It was also utilized as food in France during the period, for both people and farm animals.
The turnip is said to have originated in the Mediterranean region. However, China is home to various vegetable plants of the same species (Brassica rapa). According to one of the current ideas being investigated, this species would have two separate lineages. The first would come from further west (Europe, India, and Central Asia), and would include turnip, rutabaga, and rape (now known as rapeseed or canola); the second would come from East Asia, and would include a variety of “Chinese cabbage” cultivated for their roots or leaves: ta-tsoi, hon tsai tai, mibuna, mizuna, komatsuna,
The Greeks and Romans were familiar with a wide range of turnip cultivars. Pliny the Elder characterized turnips with elongated, flat, and spherical shapes as rapa and napus in the first century of our era. At the same period, the vegetable was consumed by both people and farm animals in France. It would later become a popular dish among the English, who will boil or bake the roots, sauté the leaves, and eat the young stems in salads.
In 1541, Jacques Cartier brought the turnip to America. It will be the first old world vegetable to be grown in New France, alongside lettuce and cabbage. It was rapidly adopted by the Amerindians, who began to cultivate it.

What Are The Nutritional and caloric values of Turnip ?
Turnip is a cruciferous vegetable with a bulbous shape and white flesh. It's sometimes mistaken for rutabaga. These are, however, two distinct species. The turnip is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals, including sulfur compounds that may help prevent cancer.
The turnip has a little amount of energy.
It is almost entirely made up of water, with only a few carbs and trace quantities of fats and proteins.
Vitamin C and group B vitamins are found in this vegetable. It has more nutrients than other fresh vegetables, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and salt.
Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and other trace elements are also present.
It, like all crucifers, contains sulfur compounds that may have health benefits, particularly in terms of cancer prevention.
It has a modest fiber content. Insoluble fiber makes up the majority of them.
Vitamins, antioxidant chemicals, and fibre found in fruits and vegetables all play an important part in maintaining good health. A high intake of vegetables and fruits has been demonstrated in several studies to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses.
Studies have also showed that eating crucifers, such as turnips, on a daily basis can help prevent malignancies of the lungs, ovaries, and kidneys. The qualities of the sulfur compounds found in these vegetables are thought to be responsible for this protective effect.
Nutritional and caloric values of Turnip
For 100 g of cooked Turnip:
Name of constituents | Unity | Average content |
Energy | Kcal | 22 |
water | g | 93.6 |
Protein | g | 0.71 |
Carbohydrates | g | 5.06 |
sugar | g | 2.99 |
Starch | g | – |
Dietary fiber | g | 2 |
Lipids | g | 0.08 |
Cholesterol | mg | – |
Saturated FA(fat acid) | g | 0.008 |
Monounsaturated FA | g | 0.005 |
Polyunsaturated FAs | g | 0.042 |
Sodium | mg | 16 |
Magnesium | mg | 9 |
Phosphorus | mg | 26 |
Potassium | mg | 177 |
Calcium | mg | 33 |
Manganese | mg | 0.071 |
Total iron | mg | 0.18 |
Copper | mg | 0.002 |
Zinc | mg | 0.12 |
Selenium | µg | 0.2 |
Iodine | µg | – |
Retinol | µg | – |
Beta carotene | µg | – |
Vitamin D | µg | 0 |
Vitamin E activity (alpha-tocopherol) | mg | 0.02 |
Vitamin C | mg | 11.6 |
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine | mg | 0.027 |
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin | mg | 0.023 |
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacin | mg | 0.41567 |
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid | mg | 0.142 |
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine | mg | 0.067 |
Vitamin B9 or Total Folate | µg | 9 |
Vitamin K | µg | 0.1 |
Why should you eat Turnip?
The turnip is a cruciferous vegetable with a bulbous form and white meat, as well as edible leaves. It is native to the Mediterranean area, although several kinds have been grown throughout Asia for centuries. It has a more neutral taste than rutabaga, is easy to prepare, and mixes well with a variety of different dishes.
Characteristics of turnips
Fiber-rich; low in calories; high in potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus; cancer-fighting;
This product contains antioxidants.
The National Health Nutrition Program suggests eating at least 5 servings (of at least 80 g) of fruits and vegetables each day, and taking advantage of seasonal variability. Turnip is available all year, although it tastes best between July and October.
One serving of vegetables is equivalent to two or three full tablespoons (or two or three handfuls).
Given its virtues, the turnip ought to be revalued.
Turnips are low in calories and high in water, allowing them to be ingested as part of a weight-loss program.
**Intestinal transit is stimulated.
Turnip is high in fiber, which aids in intestinal transit.
Defend yourself against oxidative stress.
**The turnip's high antioxidant content makes it possible to prevent some malignancies, as well as protect the body from oxidative stress and aging indications.
**Minerals' source (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus)
Potassium is found in turnips. Potassium is utilized in the body to help digestion by balancing the pH of the blood and stimulating the generation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The turnip is high in magnesium, which helps with bone growth, protein synthesis, enzyme reactions, muscular contraction, dental health, and immune system function.
Rutabaga is a phosphorus-rich vegetable. After calcium, phosphorus is the second most prevalent mineral in the body. It is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It also has a role in tissue development and regeneration, as well as assisting in the maintenance of appropriate blood pH. Last but not least, phosphorus is a component of cell membranes.
**Having a sufficient amount of trace elements
Turnips are a good source of copper when eaten raw. Copper is required for the creation of hemoglobin and collagen (a protein involved in the development and repair of tissues) in the body, as it is a component of various enzymes. Several copper-containing enzymes also aid in the body's free radical defense.
Iron is found in boiled swede. Iron is found in every cell in the body. The transfer of oxygen and the production of red blood cells in the blood are both dependent on this mineral. It's also involved in the development of new cells, hormones, and neurotransmitters (messengers in nerve impulses). It's worth noting that the iron found in plant-based diets isn't as well absorbed by the body as iron found in animal-based foods. Plants, on the other hand, absorb iron better when taken alongside specific minerals, such as vitamin C.
Raw turnip is a source of manganese, but rutabaaga is a source of manganese for women exclusively. Manganese is a cofactor for various enzymes that help in a variety of metabolic activities. It also helps to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Vitamin C is found in turnips. Vitamin C's purpose in the body extends beyond its antioxidant characteristics; it also helps to maintain the health of bones, cartilage, teeth, and gums. It also defends against infections, improves the absorption of iron from plants, and speeds up healing, as well as being a fiber source.
**B1 and B6 vitamins
Vitamin B1 is found in rutabaga. This vitamin, sometimes known as thiamine, is a component of a coenzyme that is required for the synthesis of energy, mostly from carbs. It also aids in the passage of nerve impulses and encourages optimal development.
Vitamin B6 is found in rutabaga. This vitamin, also known as pyridoxine, is a coenzyme that aids in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids, as well as the synthesis (manufacturing) of neurotransmitters (messengers in nerve impulses). It also increases red blood cell development and allows them to transport more oxygen. Vitamin B6 is also required for the conversion of glycogen to glucose and adds to the immune system's correct functioning. Finally, this vitamin aids in the creation of specific nerve cell components as well as hormone receptor regulation.

How do you choose the best Turnip and store them?
The skin of a turnip should be exceedingly white and free of bruises or spots when choosing one.
To reap the maximum advantages from turnips, clean them promptly and consume them raw. It hydrates the body and is high in fiber, vitamin C, minerals, and trace elements. There are several benefits to this underappreciated vegetable.
The turnip has oblong leaves and fleshy roots of varied forms (spherical, elongated, flat) and colors when harvested (pink, white, black, etc.).
Because they are thought to be the same species, turnip and swede are frequently confused. These are, however, two distinct species. Turnips have a white flesh, but rutabagas have a yellowish flesh. Their leaves also distinguish them: swede leaves are smooth, whereas turnip leaves are rough and hairy.
In France, there are about thirty different types of turnips. They usually have the name of the place where they were born. They are grouped into three primary categories based on their forms and colors: early variations, seasonal variants, and late varieties.
The leaves will stay in the refrigerator for a few days if chopped fresh. They should be prepared as soon as possible after purchasing, since they have a tendency to wilt.
In the refrigerator, the roots keep for a long time.
Sauerkraut is cooked using sliced roots in Europe. The leaves can also be sauerkrauted.

How to Prepare Turnip ?
It's a simple vegetable that may be prepared in a variety of ways.
Rutabaga and turnip are cooked in the same way that potatoes are: mashed, fried, in chips, in the oven, roasted, sautéed, and so on. Season with a pinch of nutmeg and chopped parsley and serve mashed up root veggies blended together.
**Cut the root into 3 mm thick pieces for glazed turnips. Heat the honey and butter until the mixture caramelizes, then deglaze with a little water before adding the turnip or rutabaga slices. Cook, stirring regularly, until the vegetables are soft.
**Without rutabaga or turnip, the “cooked,” or pot-au-feu, would be unimaginable;
**Both veggies are served raw, peeled, sliced or cubed, and dressed with a mustard vinaigrette. You may also shred them and use them in a salad with carrots or coleslaw.
**A typical French dish is duck or rabbit with turnips.
**Young turnips should be sautéed with their leaves and served with butter or cream.
**Turnips stuffed: blanch the turnips for approximately ten minutes, then take some of the meat and combine it with potato pulp and a mushroom sauce. It's loaded with rice and browned in Italy after being sprinkled with Parmesan. People in France prefer to load it with thyme and rosemary-seasoned sausage meat and then cook it in cider.
**To prepare the mousse, heat the turnips and purée them, then fold in the egg whites and potato starch. Season with salt and pepper. Cook in a double boiler with a mold;
**The seeds, like mustard, can be used as a spice. They give spiciness to salads and sandwiches when sprouted.
**The pink-skinned turnip is chopped into sticks and marinated in a mixture of sugar and rice vinegar in Japan, whereas the turnip is sliced and marinated in a mixture of sugar and rice vinegar in Arab nations. a foundation of vinegar and water The flesh eventually takes on a distinctive crimson hue. It is offered as a condiment in either situation.
**The leaves are cooked in the southern United States by frying them with chopped bacon or smoky ham. This mixture is then added to soups and stews, particularly if they include barley and beans or spicy sausages.
**Turnip is shredded and boiled with juniper berries and pork in Germany, similar to sauerkraut.

Contraindications and allergies of Turnip
Turnips aren't always well-liked by everyone.
**Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Certain foods may cause varied degrees of intolerance in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. In other cases, the sensitivity is limited to cruciferous vegetables such as turnip or rutabaga. People with this condition can lessen their symptoms by restricting or avoiding fermentable foods like those from the cruciferous family (abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea). It is occasionally feasible to gradually reintroduce certain foods when the symptoms are minor, or during so-called “remission” periods, but always respecting individual tolerance (see our Irritable Bowel Syndrome sheet).
**Cruciferous vegetables and some medications
Indoles, which are found naturally in crucifers, can reduce the effectiveness of analgesics such acetaminophen (Tylenol, Atasol, Tempra) and other medications that include a combination of active chemicals (Benylin , Contac, Robaxacet). This is something to think about for people who eat a lot of cruciferous veggies.

Three easy steps to cook Turnip
Turnips can be eaten raw or cooked, similar to radishes. There are roughly thirty types, some of which are seasonal, others which grow early, and yet others which are late. Colors and forms vary according on the type – from white to purple, passing through yellow for the lovely “golden ball” turnip. However, all turnips have a similar flavor, however the late ones that develop in the winter have a stronger flavor.
Turnips are prepared in the following manner.
1- Pick your turnips
A turnip can be judged by its appearance: it should be pure white or pink, such as bright mauve, and free of any brown spots, blemishes, or sores; it should be small; large turnips are often hard, fibrous, and hollow; and the tops, if present – as in the case of early turnips sold in bundles – must be very green and fresh, with no sign of drought.
The turnip is also selected based on its aroma: it must be pleasant; if it is harsh or pungent, choose another!
Turnips will stay in the vegetable division of the refrigerator for about 5 days after purchase or harvest.
2- Before you boil the turnips, make sure they're ready.
Do the following, regardless of the type you purchased or harvested:
Put your turnips in a big basin of cold water, then clean them with a vegetable brush (after removing the tops if they are early veggies).
Remove them one by one from the bowl, being sure to rinse them under cold water one final time.
Put them on a clean towel to dry.
Using a knife, cut out the rootlets (tiny filaments).
Using a peeler, peel the turnips.
3-Cook turnips
**Method 1: Blanch or cook turnips in a pot of boiling water.
The cooking time may vary depending on whether you want to only blanch the turnips to mellow their flavor before using a different cooking technique than water, or fully cook them.
Fill a big saucepan halfway with water and large enough to contain all of your turnips. Season with a pinch of salt. Place your turnips in the pan whole or cut into pieces, depending on their size and intended purpose. Place the pan over a source of heat. Cook for a maximum of 5 minutes if you want to blanch the turnips; up to 20 minutes if you want to cook chopped turnips in water; roughly 35 minutes if you want to cook entire turnips in water.
Method 2: Use a pressure cooker to cook your turnips.
The vitamins, minerals, and trace components in turnips are better preserved with this steaming approach.
Fill your pressure cooker halfway with water.
Place the turnips in the pressure cooker's steamer basket, whole or roughly sliced into pieces.
In the pressure cooker, place the steamer basket.
Place the pressure cooker over a medium heat source with the lid tightly closed.
Allow 5 minutes of cooking time for turnips in bits and up to 15 minutes for entire turnips once the valve is engaged; verify doneness by pricking the flesh with the point of a knife.
Serve them on their own with red or white meat.
Add spices and a bouillon cube to the water to give your turnips a pleasant taste.
Good to know: once the turnips are cooked, you can accommodate them by sautéing them for a few minutes in a pan with a little oil and, optionally, 1 tablespoon of sugar to caramelize them, or by sautéing them for a few minutes in a pan with a little oil and, optionally, 1 tablespoon of sugar to caramelize them. Before adding a knob of butter, puree them.
Method 3: Turnips are roasted in the third method.
It is required to chop the turnips into quarters before beginning the cooking process in the oven.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Turnips should be quartered and placed in a baking dish.
Season with salt and pepper.
Drizzle olive oil, coconut oil, liquefied goose or duck fat, or clarified butter liberally over top.
Cook for around 40 minutes in the oven. Turnips should have a golden color on the outside and be mushy on the inside.
That’s very good point
Right on my man!
I was just telling my friend about that.