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Historical briefing and nutritional values

Pineapple is a bromeliad-family herbaceous plant. The final fruit is really the union of a large number of fruits (60 to 200) that have been adhered together, each matching to a scale of the yellow peel that is distinctive of pineapple. The plant may reach a height of 1.5 meters. There are almost a hundred different kinds.
Pineapple originated in South America but is currently grown across the tropics. The term pineapple is derived from the Brazilian Native American language “nana nana,” which means “fragrance of perfume.” The first pineapple harvested on European soil was planted in a heated greenhouse and dates back to the early 18th century, when it was discovered by the settlers.
It gets its English name “pineapple” from its similarity to a pine cone.
Pineapple is healthy for your health since it is high in vitamin C, B, provitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and bromelain, which is responsible for the majority of its benefits. It also has a high fiber content and is low in calories. These chemicals include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and diuretic qualities, as well as aiding digestion and transit.
Bromelain is a rare enzyme that has the ability to convert proteins and stimulate digestive processes. Contrary to popular belief, it has no impact on fat. It is more abundant in the stem than in the fruit.
Pineapple has traditionally been used to heal wounds, treat colds, and aid digestion.
Pineapple, the ideal tropical fruit, is accessible in our shops all year. It is native to South America and works well in both sweet and savory meals. It is high in vitamins and minerals and has several health advantages.
Pineapple characteristics
Manganese-rich; contains bromelain; high in fiber; promotes blood circulation; lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease
Pineapple nutritional and caloric values
The nutritional value of an ananas varies according on the degree of maturity of the fruit. For example, a well-mûr ananas is more energy-dense than a green ananas because its glucide content is much higher.
Benefits of pineapple: nutritional characteristics
The ananas (Ananas comosus L.) is native to South and Central America. From November through March, this fruit of the Bromeliaceae family is available for consumption. It is at its most delicious during this time. The nutritional characteristics of pineapple are as follows:
glucides (glucose, fructose, saccharose) ; dietary fibers ; vitamins (A, B, C, E) ; minerals and oligoelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphore, cuivre, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, sodium, iode) ; polyphénols, protides, lipides ; organic acid (acide citrique).
Finally, it has an active ingredient: bromelain, often known as bromelase or bromelain. Bromelain can be found exclusively in fresh pineapple juice and the stem. For almost sixty years, it has been utilized as a medicinal supplement. Bromelain, on the other hand, is used in the food sector to tenderize meat.
Pineapple has an energy contribution of 223 kJ, or around 53 Kcal per 100 g. This fruit contains a lot of water (approximately 86 g / 100 g).
For 100 g of raw pineapple:
Benefits of pineapple: properties

Each of the nutrients in pineapple has a distinct purpose in the body. However, because of its high bromelain concentration, this fruit combines several benefits. As a result, eating pineapple on a daily basis has several advantages.
1.Contributes to bones health;
The maximum daily intake of fruit bromelain is 600 mg, at a maximum of 300 mg each dose (with 10,000,000 FCC units of papain per dose), eaten with meals, according to Health Canada.
Please keep in mind that health-promoting foods are meant to be used in addition to the treatment that your doctor has recommended. They cannot completely substitute therapy.
2.Promotes protein digestion;
3.Aids in burn healing;
4.Decongests certain edemas,
particularly those caused by a shock (post-traumatic edema) and those seen after a surgical procedure (postoperative edema, particularly in the field of plastic surgery);
5.Reduces pain associated with bruising;
6.Reduces the importance of bedsores;
7.Accelerates wound healing;
8.Alleviates inflammatory pain;
Bromelain has anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic, antiplatelet, and fibrinolytic effects (helping to dissolve blood clots). According to certain research, bromelain, which is abundant in pineapple, may be a safe alternative treatment for osteoarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
9.Treats various types of sinusitis;
10.Reduces headaches;
11.Is energetic;
Fresh pineapple is high in vitamin C. This vitamin can be found in canned pineapple and pineapple juice. Vitamin C contains anti-oxidant characteristics and may be responsible for some of the health benefits linked with a high intake of fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C in the blood is thought to help reduce oxidation and inflammation in the body, therefore protecting against the beginning of some degenerative illnesses linked with aging.
12.Regulates intestinal transit
Pineapple is high in fibers, which promote intestinal transit and increase satiety.
13.It has deworming effects;
14.It is an antioxidant that aids in the protection of cells against oxidative stress;
Polyphenols and flavonoids, which are phenolic chemicals found in plants, are antioxidants. By neutralizing free radicals in the body, they can help prevent the emergence of multiple illnesses (cancer, cardiovascular disease, and various chronic diseases).
15.It aids in the synthesis of collagen;
Manganese is abundant in fresh pineapple and pineapple juice. Manganese is a cofactor for numerous enzymes that aid in a variety of metabolic activities. It also contributes to the protection of free radical damage.
Copper may be found in pineapple (fresh, canned, or juice form). Copper is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin and collagen (a protein involved in the development and repair of tissues) in the body since it is a component of numerous enzymes. A number of copper-containing enzymes also contribute to the body's defense against free radicals.
16.It enhances iron absorption due to the high levels of vitamin C it contains.
17.Rich in vitamin B1 and B6
Pineapple (fresh, canned, or juice) is high in vitamin B1. Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is a coenzyme that is required for the creation of energy, mostly from the carbohydrates we consume. It also helps with nerve impulse transmission and encourages regular development.
Pineapple (fresh, canned, or juice) is high in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6, commonly known as pyridoxine, is a coenzyme involved in protein and fatty acid metabolism as well as neurotransmitter synthesis (manufacturing) (messengers in nerve impulses). It also aids in the formation of red blood cells, allowing them to transport more oxygen.
Pyridoxine is also required for the conversion of glycogen into glucose and helps the immune system operate properly. Finally, this vitamin aids in the creation of specific nerve cell components as well as the control of hormone receptors.
How do you pick the best pineapple?
When harvested, the pineapple has a thick rind that ranges in color from green to brown to pink. The flesh of this bark is a lovely golden color. It has a crown of green leaves on top. A pineapple weighs about 1.8 kilograms on average.
The color of the bark is not always indicative of ripeness: a fruit with a green rind might be perfectly ripe. A pineapple's aroma is an excellent predictor of its maturity and sugar content: it should be rich and fragrant, but not overpowering, indicating that fermentation is beginning.
There are about a hundred different types of pineapple. There are five commercial varieties: Victoria, Queen, Caraibe, Abacaxi, and Cayenne. The size, color of the rind, and flavor of the flesh of the various types identify them.
When all other factors are equal, choose the heaviest fruits with firm, fresh leaves and a lovely green foncé. Avoid those that appear to be old, desséchés, abîmés, or with molle parties, as well as those with brown leaves.
When it comes to fruits in preserves, beverages, and juices, it's best to avoid them if they include a lot of added sugar.
Ways to keep pineapples fresh
Refrigerator: Pineapple may be kept at room temperature for 1 or 2 days, but it's preferable to keep it in the fridge (up to 4 or 5 days). It's stored in the fruit and vegetable drawer in a perforated plastic bag. It will keep in an airtight container for a few days after being peeled and sliced into pieces.
Peel it, remove the core, and chop it into pieces or mash it up and store it in freezer bags. It is not suggested to freeze it for more than 3 months since the flavor may be lost.
Pineapple preparation

Serve with milk or a smoothie. Fruit Skewers; Blender milk (cow, goat, soy, or almond) with a banana, pineapple, and ice cubes; Salsa with pineapple, orange, grape, apple, pear, and other fruits. Combine diced pineapple, chopped red pepper, jalapeo, cilantro leaves, and onion in a mixing bowl. Serve with corn chips or grilled fish, and season with lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Slice a sweet onion and dice pineapple, cucumber, and tomato. Combine the ingredients and dress with a basil vinaigrette. Allow to cool before serving. Salad from north to south. Toss together chopped pineapple, orange pieces, and a variety of greens (lettuce, chicory, lamb's lettuce, or mesclun). Combine the cheese and walnut kernels in a mixing bowl. Season with a balsamic vinegar sauce topped with orange zest.
A basic carrot and coleslaw salad might benefit from the sweet flavor of pineapple. The salad of spinach, ricotta cheese, and chopped pineapple drizzled with vinaigrette was more surprising.
Sorbets, creams, and frozen yogurt, as well as pies, cakes, and puddings For example, top a coconut pie mix with grilled pineapple rings before baking it.
Dip pineapple slices in melted chocolate. Allow it cool before serving with a cheese with character, such as Roquefort or aged goat cheese cooked in the oven.
If pineapple is traditionally connected with pork (particularly ham), it is because its enzyme (bromelain) softens the meat and aids digestion. Grill pineapple slices with pork tenderloin or chops, or use to decorate the surface of a roast before baking; pineapple and three cheese pizza. Mozzarella cheese should be sprinkled on top of a pizza dough. Diced drained pineapple, cheddar cheese, black olives, and feta cheese are all good additions. Bake in the oven, seasoned with oregano;
Skewers. Thread pineapple chunks onto skewers with fish, pepper, and apple chunks that have been marinated in a lemon vinaigrette for 2 hours. Serve with rice and a Mexican stir-fry. Sauté pepper strips and chicken breast until the poultry is done. Cooked black beans with pineapple cubes Reheat, then remove from heat and top with your favorite salsa. Top tortillas with this mixture, topped with a little grated cheese if preferred; in Malaysia, it is used in vegetable, meat, or seafood curries. The shrimp curry with coconut milk, chili paste, fish sauce, and sliced pineapple is quite delicious.
Puffed omelet from Polynesia. In a small amount of butter, brown cubed pineapple. Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar, then fold in the whipped whites. Cook the omelet for a few minutes after adding the eggs to the pineapple, then fold it up and continue cooking in the oven. In the classic recipe, when ready to serve, sprinkle with rum and flambé………….
Pineapple contraindications and allergies
Eating pineapple causes histamine to be released in the body. This is also true for other foods, such as strawberries and tomatoes. This can produce moderate responses in some people, such as hives. It is vital to highlight that these are not allergic responses, but rather dietary intolerances. Stopping the eating of the meal alleviates the symptoms. True pineapple allergy is uncommon, however examples have been reported. Latex and pollen can potentially cause cross-reactions. People who are allergic to these two substances may be allergic to pineapple (as well as other fruits such as kiwi and banana), and vice versa.
People who are intolerant or allergic to pineapple should avoid eating it and instead take bromelain pills. It is essential that you visit an allergist to establish the source of your allergies to various foods and the measures you should take.
Is pineapple a fat burner?

Pineapple is often regarded as the greatest fat-burning meal. Its content in bromelain is frequently referred to as a “eater of fat.” Unfortunately, the power of pineapple is a fable or, at most, a reality that has yet to be proven.
In truth, bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins rather than lipids. Scientists only recently discovered that it has an intriguing anti-inflammatory function. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that this enzyme is mostly located in the stem and leaves of pineapple. As a result, consuming the fruit does not provide you with the full benefits.
However, it should be noted that, while pineapple does not have true fat-burning qualities, it is still a very intriguing fruit from a nutritional standpoint. As a result, this fruit has a place in a diversified and balanced diet.