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Rabbit Meat
Rabbit Meat What is it in Real ?
Although the rabbit is a mammal (a extremely prolific rodent), it is treated like a fowl in cookery, despite the fact that it is not a bird. When it is wild, that is, when it is not cultivated, it becomes a game. Rabbit is discovered and consumed in England, contrary to common assumption. China is the largest provider in the globe.
There are about fifty breeds of rabbits with different colored coats.
The most common and those that are high are the White Giant of Bouscat (5 to 6 kg), the Giant of Flanders (5 to 7 kg), the French giant butterfly (5 to 6 kg), the Belgian hare (3 to 4 kg), New Zealand (4 to 5 kg), Normand (3 to 4 kg) and Rex du Poitou (3 to 4 kg).
As for the European rabbit, it lives in the scrublands, the moors and the hills covered with low bushes.
It measures about 40 centimeters for a weight of 2 kg.
Its flesh is very different, firmer, stronger in taste and tastier.
Rabbits currently on the market are slaughtered between the age of 12 weeks and 3 months: they weigh approximately 1.5 to 3 kg.
The younger and smaller they are, the more tender their flesh.
The rabbit has a fairly low calorie intake (about 170 kcal per 100 g). It contains 20.5 percent protein per 100 grams of beef and is nutritionally sound.
The rabbit is a monogastric animal, meaning it does not convert fat in its food. As a result, it includes 10% lipids, with half of these being unsaturated fatty acids. Indeed, it gets unsaturated fatty acids from its vegetable diet, particularly linolenic acid (omega 3) from alfalfa and linoleic acid (omega 6) from sunflower. As a result, 100 g of rabbit meat provides 15% of the Recommended Nutritional Intakes (ANC).
The rabbit thigh is the leanest cut, with only 4% fat per 100g, and the front and saddle have the greatest omega 3 concentration.
It does, however, contain significant levels of group B vitamins (B6, B12, and PP) as well as a variety of minerals and trace elements (zinc, magnesium, potassium). Rabbits, on the other hand, have a low iron content when compared to other meats.

The different Meat breeds of Rabbit
Rabbits are great and clever animals, but with more than 60 breeds to choose from, we realize how difficult it is to limit down the enormous array of options. If you want to have a large snuggling lop-eared rabbit, for example, you need know the variations between numerous breeds of rabbits with lopped ear carriage, such as the French Lop and the English Lop.
** Champagne Silver Rabbit
The Champagne Silver Rabbit is a very old breed with slate gray blue fur that was produced to feed the fur industry before being changed to a meat type. It delivers high-quality, excellent meat.
** Silver Rabbit of Saint Hubert
The Argenté de Saint Hubert is a domestic and meat rabbit breed that was developed around the end of the nineteenth century. This lovely medium-sized rabbit, which was nearly extinct in the 1950s, has made a comeback on all-too-rare farms.
** Hotot's White Rabbit
The Blanc de Hotot is a French rabbit breed descended from spotted rabbits. It is distinguished by its snow-white complexion, black-rimmed eyes, and capacity to produce meat.
** White Rabbit from Vendée
The Blanc de Vendée is a medium-sized rabbit breed that was developed at a Vendée farm about 1911. It's a stunning breed that's bred for both its fur and meat.
** Fauve de Bourgogne Rabbit
Due to its prolificacy and ease of breeding, the Fauve de Bourgogne is one of the most popular French rabbit breeds. This breed, which is frequently domesticated, produces lean, marbled, and excellent meat.
** Large Russian Rabbit
The Great Russian Rabbit, despite its name, is a medium-sized rabbit descended from one of the tiniest rabbit breeds: the Russian Rabbit. It is noted by the high quality of its fur and the remarkable flavor of its meat.
** Bourbonnais Gray Rabbit
The Gray du Bourbonnais is a domestic rabbit breed with a magnificent iron gray hue that was developed by crossing blue Vienna rabbits. It is increasingly cultivated for the production of great quality meat with a solid texture.
** Norman Rabbit
The Normand Rabbit is a hybrid of Giant Flanders and Garenne rabbits. This medium-sized breed is bred for its very exquisite meat as well as its fur.
** French Aries Rabbit
The French Aries is a giant rabbit breed created by crossing the English Aries, the Giant of Flanders, and the Norman rabbit breeds. The capacity to give birth to big litters distinguishes this meat breed.
** Giant White Rabbit from Bouscat
The White Giant of Bouscat was created from three breeds: Géant des Flandres, Argenté de Champagne, and Angora. The objective was to develop a big rabbit breed capable of producing high-quality meat.
** Giant French Butterfly Rabbit
The French Giant Butterfly, a rabbit breed prized for the delicacy of its flesh, is widespread in Alsace and Germany. It gets its name from a smear on its snout that looks like a butterfly.

What Are The Nutritional and caloric values of Rabbit Meat ?
Rabbit meat is less popular than beef or pork, but it contains everything and should not be overlooked. Rabbit meat has a delicate flavor that is comparable to chicken and is wonderful in both hot and cold recipes.
It is good for our bodies since it includes vitamins and minerals including B3 and B12, as well as phosphorus and selenium. It is low in cholesterol and high in proteins and beneficial lipids like omega 3.
As a result, rabbit meat has a place in a well-balanced diet. The leanest part of the rabbit, the thigh, has just 4g of lipids per 100g of meat. The components with the most omega 3 are the front and the saddle.
The rabbit is sold whole or in bits at your delicatessen butcher, and it may be prepared in a variety of ways. The rabbit will not disappoint whether served hot as a stew or gibelotte, or cold as a jelly or pâté. Learn about the many rabbit breeds and the items created from them.
Nutritional and caloric values of The Rabbit Meat
For 100 g of Rabbit Meat :
Name of constituents | Unity | Average content |
Energy | kcal | 167 |
Water | g | 68.2 |
Protein | g | 20.5 |
Carbohydrates | g | 0.5 |
Sugars | g | 0.5 |
Starch | g | 0 |
Dietary fiber | g | 0 |
Lipids | g | 9.2 |
Saturated FA | g | 3.42 |
Monounsaturated FA | g | 2.64 |
Polyunsaturated FAs | g | 2.06 |
Cholesterol | mg | 75.9 |
Sodium | mg | 63.2 |
Magnesium | mg | 31.5 |
Phosphorus | mg | 200 |
Potassium | mg | 340 |
Calcium | mg | 31.9 |
Manganese | mg | 0.01 |
Total iron | mg | 0 |
Copper | mg | 0.06 |
Zinc | mg | 1.79 |
Selenium | µg | 30.6 |
Iodine | µg | 0 |
Retinol | µg | 0 |
Beta carotene | µg | 0 |
Vitamin D | µg | 0 |
Vitamin E activity (in alpha-tocopherol equivalents) | mg | 1.22 |
Vitamin C | mg | 0 |
Vitamin B1 or Thiamine | mg | 0.1 |
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin | mg | 0.21 |
Vitamin B3 or PP or Niacin | mg | 9 |
Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid | mg | 0.5 |
Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine | mg | 0.13 |
Vitamin B9 or Total Folate | µg | 2.1 |
Vitamin B12 or Cobalamins | µg | 2.2 |

Why should you eat Rabbit Meat ?
Rabbit is a white meat with a delicate flavor and a variety of health benefits. While not often consumed, this meat has a place in a balanced diet. The rabbit is simple to prepare and pairs nicely with a variety of meals.
Rabbit characteristics include:
Rich in animal proteins; low in fat; source of vitamin B group; iron source; aids in the treatment of anemia
Rabbit meat is low in calories, containing only 167 calories per 100 grams. Rich in high-quality proteins, with a modest fat consumption and enough of B vitamins.
Why eat rabbits when they have so many advantages?
Its nutritional properties help to keep people healthy.

Good fatty acids to reduce cardiovascular risk
Saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are well balanced in rabbit meat. Furthermore, as compared to red meats, this meat has a reduced cholesterol content (beef, pork, lamb). The fatty acids included in rabbit meat contribute to its negative health effects. Furthermore, lipids derived from rabbit meat had twice as many fatty acids capable of decreasing blood cholesterol as fatty acids capable of increasing blood cholesterol, according to a research. This finding demonstrates that lipids in rabbit meat have a larger cholesterol-lowering impact than lipids in other meats.
Saturated fatty acids account for around 40% of the fatty acids present in rabbit meat, which is somewhat greater than the quantity found in chicken but substantially lower than that found in red meats. High-saturated-fat consumption has been linked to a variety of health problems. Saturated fat consumption, for example, has been linked to an elevated risk of esophageal and colorectal cancer in studies. It's worth noting that palmitic acid is the predominant saturated fatty acid found in rabbit meat (75 percent of saturated fatty acids). A high-palmitic-acid diet resulted in a 24 percent rise in insulin resistance in healthy, overweight human individuals, according to an intervention trial.
Furthermore, palmitic acid has been linked to an increase in total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. It can, however, interact with a polyunsaturated fatty acid called linoleic acid, which is abundant in rabbit meat (15 percent of total fatty acids). As a result, the presence of the latter would allow for a reduction in the influence of palmitic acid on blood cholesterol levels. Indeed, two human intervention studies have found that a high intake of palmitic acid, when combined with a high intake of linoleic acid, or more than 4.5 percent of total energy, had no effect on total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.
For a 2000-calorie diet, this equates to 10 grams of linoleic acid (or “calories”). To benefit from the interaction between these two fatty acids, it is vital to ingest linoleic acid from a variety of sources (olive oil, maize oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, almonds).
Rabbit meat also includes more than 35% monounsaturated fatty acids, which are proven to reduce total cholesterol without affecting HDL cholesterol levels (“good” cholesterol). Monounsaturated fatty acids, particularly oleic acid, would also lower the risk of cardiovascular illness, as well as thrombosis, atherosclerosis, and colon cancer.
Rabbits have a significant quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids, accounting for almost 25% of total fatty acids. Linoleic acid, which makes up over 75% of this group, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which makes up around 20%, are the two fatty acids most commonly found in meat. They're also two important fatty acids because the human body can't synthesis (make) them and must rely on diet to get them. Linoleic acid is a fatty acid that belongs to the omega-6 family of fatty acids. According to the existing evidence, it would promote tumor development in the event of breast cancer. A meta-analysis of three clinical studies, on the other hand, found that linoleic acid might help persons with multiple sclerosis.
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is another important polyunsaturated fatty acid that belongs to the omega-3 family and accounts for 4% of total fatty acids, or around 0.32 g of ALA per 100 g of rabbit meat. It should be noted, however, that the ALA content is prone to significant variance. In reality, the ALA content of meat is heavily influenced by the animal's diet, husbandry circumstances, and killing techniques. The ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids) has determined that 1.6 g of ALA per day is sufficient for a 2,000 calorie diet. A study of over 75,000 women found that eating ALA lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering the chance of cardiac arrest. Furthermore, a 4,594-person observational research found that frequent ingestion of ALA reduced the incidence of hypertension.

A good source of phosphorus
Phosphorus may be found in abundance in rabbits. After calcium, phosphorus is the second most prevalent mineral in the body. It is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It also has a role in tissue development and regeneration, as well as assisting in the maintenance of appropriate blood pH. Cell membranes include it as one of its elements.
Excellent anti-anemic
Iron may be found in abundance in rabbits. Iron is found in every cell in the body. The transfer of oxygen and the production of red blood cells in the blood are both dependent on this mineral. It's also involved in the development of new cells, hormones, and neurotransmitters (messengers in nerve impulses).
Excellent sources of zinc, selenium and copper
Zinc may be found in abundance in rabbits. Zinc is involved in immunological responses, the generation of genetic material, taste perception, wound healing, and embryonic development, among other things. It also interacts with sex and thyroid hormones, and has a role in the synthesis, storage, and release of insulin in the pancreas.
Rabbits are a great source of the mineral selenium. This mineral interacts with one of the body's most important antioxidant enzymes, reducing the creation of free radicals. It also aids in the active conversion of thyroid hormones.
Copper is abundant in rabbit. Copper is required for the creation of hemoglobin and collagen (a protein involved in the development and repair of tissues) in the body, as it is a component of various enzymes. Several copper-containing enzymes also aid in the body's free radical defense.

Excellent sources of group B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B12)
Vitamin B2 may be found in abundance in rabbits. Riboflavin is another name for this vitamin. It, like vitamin B1, plays a part in all cells' energy metabolism. Additionally, it aids in tissue development and repair, hormone synthesis, and the generation of red blood cells.
Rabbits are high in vitamin B3 and are a good source of it. This vitamin, also known as niacin, is involved in a variety of metabolic processes, including the creation of energy from carbs, lipids, proteins, and alcohol. It also aids in the synthesis of DNA, allowing for appropriate growth and development.
Pantothenic acid is abundant in rabbits (vitamin B5). Pantothenic acid is a component of a crucial coenzyme involved in the conversion of food into energy. It also plays a role in the synthesis of steroid hormones, neurotransmitters, and hemoglobin at various stages.
Vitamin B6 may be found in abundance in rabbits. This vitamin, commonly known as pyridoxine, is a component of coenzymes that help in protein and fatty acid metabolism as well as neurotransmitter synthesis (production) (messengers in nerve impulses). It also aids in the formation of red blood cells, allowing them to transport more oxygen. Pyridoxine is also required for the conversion of glycogen to glucose and adds to the immune system's normal functioning. Finally, this vitamin aids in the creation of specific nerve cell components as well as hormone receptor regulation.
Rabbits are high in vitamin B12 and are a good source of it. This vitamin, along with folic acid (vitamin B9), aids in the formation of red blood cells in the body. It also has a role in the upkeep of nerve cells and bone-forming cells.

How can you choose the finest Rabbit Meat ?
Rabbit is a meat with exceptional nutritional qualities. It is mildly caloric since it is low in fats, but it is high in animal proteins, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. As a result, it deserves to be drunk more frequently.
The rabbits we encounter in the marketplace weigh an average of 1.5 kilograms, but some might weigh up to ten kilograms. They are available whole or chopped up.
The saddle of a rabbit must bounce properly in order to pick it well. Its flesh should have a rosy hue to it.
The rabbit can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
The different pieces of Rabbit

1- Rabbit legs
The rabbit leg, like all of the rabbit's other parts, is a lean meat with a mild flavor. Its white flesh is solid and tender, and it provides nutritional value. Rabbit thighs are a noble product that is well-liked by gourmets, and they also make a good plate presentation.
** Rabbit leg: buying and preparation tips
While farmed rabbits may be found all year, the wild rabbit, which is more delicious, belongs to the game family. It's only available from September through February, when hunting season is in full swing. Choose rabbits with the “Label Rouge” or “Lapins de France” certifications, which are quality assurances with exceptional flavor attributes.
Aromatic herbs, such as rosemary or Provence herbs, pair well with rabbit thighs. They will disclose all of their tastes if marinated in olive oil and honey or lemon juice for a few hours before cooking. In the coldest region of the refrigerator, rabbit legs will last 2 to 3 days. Plan on a rabbit leg per person in terms of serving size.
** Cooking rabbit legs
Rabbit meat is lean and flavorful, but it dries up rapidly when cooked. It is so preferred to marinade it, boil it, or bake it in foils in the oven. Cooking rabbit legs in a broth, stew, or casserole dish makes them softer. It is extremely advised to simmer the meat for a long time to tenderize it. Another way to produce a crisp around the thigh is to wrap it in bacon pieces or bacon. Is it possible to have a leftover meal? You can eat cold rabbit meat in sandwiches or salads if you peel it apart.

2- Rabbit gigolette
Rabbit meat is recognized for its delicate flavor. With the rabbit gigolette, you may switch up your joys! This dish is less well-known than rabbit legs, but it has the advantage of being simple to prepare. Cooking this beef with soft and flavorful flesh will astound your visitors!
** Rabbit gigolette: buying advice
When purchasing, look for gigolettes from organic farms or those with the Label Rouge certification. It is a quality assurance. We also suggest that you choose meat from rabbits that have been fed fresh herbs and cereals. They are unique in that they have exceptional flavor properties. The gigolette is a component that sits over the rabbit's front legs. The shoulder and ribs are completely boneless in this cut of beef. This item should be kept in the fridge for no more than three or four days. Make at least two gigolettes each person.
** How to cook the gigolettes?
Rabbit gigolettes can be used in a variety of dishes. They're usually roasted or grilled, although they can also be pan-fried after marinating. The sweet and savory ingredients infuse the rabbit flesh with a delightful aroma. Try a mustard, honey, and rosemary marinade, or a maple syrup-based hazelnut and orange marinade. What a joy! Aromatic herbs such as rosemary and thyme can also work well together. Summer and the sun are on their way. Try the recipe for herb crusted gigolettes. Have you considered grilling the rabbit meat on the grill? Grill it and season it with lemon or pesto for a delicious meal.

3- The saddle of rabbit
Rabbit saddles are by far the noblest part of the animal. Its soft, meaty flesh, which is pleasantly fibrous, lends itself to a variety of dishes, all of which are equally tasty. The saddle is a versatile portion of rabbit that may be stuffed, finely cut, or cooked whole.
** Purchase and preparation of saddle of rabbit
When making your purchase, look for a rabbit saddle with the words “Lapin de France” imprinted on it. This certification confirms that the rabbit was born and bred in France, and that it was fed a completely vegetarian diet. Choose a saddle with pink skin, which indicates high quality. This premium cut, like rabbit legs, contains a fine and flavorful flesh.
Your artisan butcher may prepare the saddle whole, roasted, or ready to fill, in sections or thinly sliced if you intend to pan-fry or grill it on the barbecue, according on the dish you want to cook. Count a saddle for two persons when calculating amounts.
** Cooking the saddle of rabbit
Rabbit saddle is a fragile and soft meat that requires careful preparation. The filled saddle of rabbit is undoubtedly the most renowned of the numerous methods to prepare it. The contents, such as tarragon, foie gras, or mushrooms, bring taste and creativity to your meals. The saddle of rabbit, whether whole or stuffed, is an excellent choice for roasting or pan-frying.
Saddle can be cooked in a casserole dish in thick slices with a cider or mustard sauce, or for the more adventurous, a curry or coconut milk sauce. Thin slices may be readily cooked on the barbeque in the summer for unique barbecues to share with family and friends.

How to prepare the Rabbit Meat ?
Rabbit flesh lends itself to a variety of delectable dishes.
How should it be prepared? How do you match it?
The saddle is the fleshy area between the ribs and the base of the tail. It contains fillets and fake fillets, as well as panoufles, which are thin flesh panels to which they are connected. It is generally cooked separately since it is more delicate than the trunk and legs.
A thermometer put into the back leg is used to determine the internal cooking temperature. When the rabbit reaches 60 ° C, it is done.
** The rabbit is first cooked in butter and oil with sliced bacon in gibelotte or stew. If we want a thicker sauce, we'll add flour, then moisten with water, wine, or a combination of wine and chicken broth. Add your favorite herbs, pearl onions, carrots, sliced white leeks, mushrooms, and so forth. Everything is cooked for roughly an hour.
** It tastes well with cabbage, black or green olives, lemon, or prunes. Cooking it in wine, beer, or cider softens and flavors the meat.
** The pieces are prepared in Dijon and topped with a wine, mustard, and crème fraîche sauce. You may alternatively wrap a whole rabbit in a Dijon mustard and cream mixture, cover it with bacon or a strainer, and roast it on a spit or grill, flipping it regularly.
** It can be marinated overnight before cooking.
** It will be served cold as a salad (hot or cold), as a sandwich, or as chicken.
** Terrines or pâtés, jellies or rillettes;
** The boneless saddle is packed with chicken flesh or vegetables, barded, and cooked in a stew or sauce. You may also thinly slice it, pan fry it, and serve it over pasta with thin zucchini pieces and a pesto sauce.
** The kidneys and liver are consumed simply by returning them to the pan or adding them to a stuffing; the carcass makes a great soup.

Rabbit story
The domestic rabbit's origins and evolution are difficult to pinpoint. It might have originated from northern Asia or, as some believe, from North America at that time, when the continents were still united, from the order of the lagomorphs, which we can date back to 45 or 55 million years ago. According to this theory, he would have traveled over the North Atlantic with other lagomorphs, including the hare, to western Europe, North Africa, and eventually the coast north of the Mediterranean, where he would have remained settled for a long time.
** The lucky rabbit …
The rabbit, according to the Celts, digs tunnels to communicate with the gods, thus its paw is a key to getting into them. It served as a deterrent to witches throughout the Middle Ages. She is bringing wonderful fortune today. It's worn on the left arm and is believed to keep you safe. In any case, all domestic rabbit breeds are descended from a single species, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), often known as the wild rabbit, which evolved mostly in the Mediterranean basin, where it lived in the wild in forested regions known as warrens.
Rabbit breeding has been documented since ancient Rome. It was subsequently kept in leporia, or “rabbit gardens,” which were enclosed enclosures surrounded by stone walls where it could live and reproduce freely before being captured and slain if required. It is said to have arrived in France via Spain in the early Middle Ages, and then spread to England about the 12th century. It will be held in semi-captivity throughout the Middle Ages, living and proliferating in individual burrows connected by a complex network of passageways.
We didn't really start domesticating it until the 16th century. The breeds are then chosen based on their coat color and texture, as well as their weight, which ranges from less than one kilogram in dwarf breeds to more than ten kilos in big varieties. The warren will be replaced with a hutch, and the rabbit will be nurtured on the farm, in the poultry yard, among the fowl. The wild branch of the species will continue to grow despite this.
** The unlucky rabbit …
The rabbit is a bad luck charm at sea. We've gone so far as to refuse to say his name or look at his picture. All of this is because, back in the days of the sailing navy, rabbits brought on board to serve as food were starved due to a lack of food. They'd reverted to using hemp fiber for ropes, sails, and waterproofing tow. The devastation was complete.
Despite being raised in a variety of locations across the world, the rabbit has never played a significant part in human diet. Its lean and nutritious meat, on the other hand, might be a great source of protein in regions where there is a deficit. Unlike beef, veal, and chicken, it does not compete for food with people since it eats high-fiber foods and consumes minimal grains. Furthermore, due of its tiny carcass, it is prepared and consumed the same day it is slain. As a result, it does not require refrigeration, which is a significant benefit in nations where energy is limited and expensive.
Attempts to build farms in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, on the other hand, have been largely unsuccessful. Indeed, the rabbit is susceptible to hot and humid conditions, and there are concerns that it may face the same overcrowding issues as Australia. Finally, the bond that her peaceful and compassionate attitude inspires in youngsters and their parents might play a role.
As a result, rabbit production is limited to the Mediterranean basin. Fast food, on the other hand, is gaining ground in these nations, resulting in a significant drop in consumption. In North America, where farms are few, the rabbit is regarded as a delectable delicacy. Because of its higher price than chicken, it is considered a meal for the upper crust of society.

For further
Hunters who sought to add fresh game to their hunting list imported 24 wild rabbits to Australia in 1859. The animal is spreading at an alarming rate after Australia eradicated practically all predators that might feed on its new prey. Thirty years later, there are an estimated 20 million rabbits on the island, with an astounding 600 million by the early 1950s. Nothing, not poisons, electricity lines, or killing, will stop this animal from destroying crops.
The authorities, at the end of their tether, decide to take drastic measures and release the myxomatosis virus, which was brought from South America, into the wild. The virus is rather innocuous in South American leporidae species, with whom it has always evolved, but it is brutal in European rabbits: in Australia, 99 percent of rabbits die in less than two years. It loses its virulence over time, and populations reorganize to some extent, requiring authorities to release new, more active strains. Despite this, the rabbit continues to be a menace to the country, even if it has never again approached the record level of 1950.
As a result, Australian researchers are working on the creation of a genetically engineered virus derived from myxomatosis that would sterilize rabbits. The scientific community, on the other hand, is split on the potential consequences of releasing genetically engineered viruses into the wild. First, because their genome is unstable and they may readily mutate, they may have an impact on animal populations other than those for which they were designed. Furthermore, it is impossible to anticipate how such a virus would behave once unleashed into the wild. Is he, for example, at risk of infecting people, as some experts fear, even though myxomatosis has been demonstrated to be safe to him thus far?